Chapter 6 - Dewdrop's Prediction

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Dantes didn't waste any time in making his way back to the shop. He barely had time to think, let alone go through the list of reasons for happening upon Aine. It wasn't like her to mingle anywhere near the public. She hated humans far too much, and usually chose instead to be around those she created. In many ways, her and her people were not much different than Dewdrop and her tribe.

The small differences though amounted to a large amount of trouble, for Aine had a dark heart. Like Dantes, she had seen the evils of the human race. Her faith in love and human kind had been ripped from her in a way that Dantes could never imagine. Where Dantes chose to not care, Aine had decided a different path. She had allowed her anger and hate to consume her, and she'd gladly dance in the ashes of the planet if it could be set ablaze. Even worse, she'd set the fire herself if she could.

She represented everything that Dantes feared if the demon inside of him should ever take hold for good. The only thing that had saved him from that path was the tiny sliver of hope he had held on to. Maybe in some ways the lack of answers to Elyssa's disappearance had been a blessing in disguise. If he had known her reasons, and they were as bad as he sometimes imagined, there was no telling where he'd be now.

It was that possible glimmer of hope that had save his soul from completely transforming, something Aine herself was never given the chance of. While she was human, and would never become a demon like Dantes would, a human heart broken beyond repair in such powerful hands was almost as dangerous, if not more so. If he hadn't been worried about Elyssa's life being in danger from Aine's interest he may have felt bad for Aine. Now that she had shown herself to be a threat, any feelings of possible remorse were pushed from his thoughts.

Aine's people weren't much better, born from her magical abilities with the men she had seduced. She had basically created her own race of humans blessed with extraordinary powers weaved from dark magic. They became known as the aes sídhe, although were also often called fairies or fae by humans. With Aine watching over them, they too had taken on her dislike for human beings. Dantes only hoped her followers weren't accompanying her. It'd be a war, a hopeless war where there would be no winners, only death.

Dantes saw the look of concern on the faces of Annette, Alicia, and Dewdrop as he entered the shop.

"You're all okay?"

All three nodded in response.

"So you know?" he asked.

"Know what?" Annette asked with curiosity to her voice.

"We just assumed from the look on your face, and with Elyssa not with you, that you had another argument," she continued.

He shook his head.

"I wish it was that...Aine, she's here."

A deafening silence fell upon the room and all three of them turned a pale white. Obviously Dantes wasn't the only one who understood the significance and danger that Aine posed. They seemed even more worried than he had, if such a level of distress was achievable.

"That's impossible. She hasn't been seen for several centuries!" Annette finally blurted out.

"Are you absolutely positive it was her?" Alicia added.

Dantes nodded.

"I really wish I wasn't."

"Where's Elyssa?" Alicia interjected with worry in her voice.

"She's safe. I left her with Leo and sent them home. Aine's been keeping an eye on her, and there's no telling for how long it's been going on. Aine's power though, I felt's even more powerful than the stories spoke of. The only bright side I can see is that there were no signs of the aes sídhe, although with her strength that may not even matter. I'm not even sure I was feeling the full extent of what she's capable of..."

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