Chapter 4: On My Mind

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"So Mike asked me to prom," Bella tells me, as we sit down at our lunch table.
I was trying to pay attention to her, but I just couldn't.
My mind was on someone else.
He just wouldn't leave my thoughts alone!
I had thought of him through all of my classes, and had gotten in trouble in every single one of them for not paying attention!
Not that I really cared, I always get in trouble in class for not paying attention.
It's boring!
But seriously, he never left my mind once!
All I could think of was his sexy smirk, his beautiful russet skin, his husky deep voice, his luscious lips, everything about him!
I even found myself thinking about hugging and kissing him!
This boy, is making me feel things I've never felt before!
And it's scaring the crap out of me!
"Seriously? Again? When is that boy going to give up?" I ask, trying to shake Paul from my mind. 
"I know! I just looked at him like, 'What the fuck?' Have you taken stalking lessons?" Bella rambles, but I find my mind wandering back to Paul.
While lost in thoughts of Paul, I don't really notice what Bella says, she just sounds like a buzzing in my ear, so I do notice when she stops talking.
"What?" I asked her.
That's when I felt the spot next to me warm up considerably.
I look over, and see Paul smirking that sexy smirk at me!
My heart immediately starts to race, and I get butterflies in my stomach.
His smirk grows.
I forgot wolves have super senses.
"So, how are you?" He asks me, the smirk never leaving his face.
"Depends on when you're asking. Before you got here, I was fine and dandy, but now that you're here....Not so much," I tell him, trying to hide the fact that my stupid heart was going 100000 miles an hour, and my stomach was exploding with butterflies at just the sight of Paul.
Bella was just watching us like a tennis match, her head switching back and forth.
I look at my lunch, and I feel Paul's hot breath at me ear, making my heart pound faster.
"Your heart says otherwise," He whispers, sending shivers down my spine, the smirk evident in his voice.
I lean away from him, and was about to say something to him, when I was interrupted by an annoying, nasally voice.
"Hey Megan, who's your friend?" Jessica asks, trying to sound seductive, and begins to undress Paul with her eyes.
For some reason that makes me upset and jealous, and I suddenly feel the need to make it known that Paul was mine, and only mine.
I glare at her, and notice Bella doing the same, and say to her,
"His name is Paul, but I don't know why it matters to you."
I can see out of the corner of my eye, Paul get this huge ass grin on his face, but I ignore it, and put my full attention on Jessica.
"It matters because I like to know a guys name before I ask him out," She says, trying to smile cutely at Paul, but failing and ending up looking like a dead walrus.
"I'm sure if he was interested, he would have asked you out already," I say coldly, feeling my temper rise.
She glares at me, and says sarcastically,
"Aw, is someone jealous?"
"Yeah, is someone jealous?" Paul asks me mockingly, smirking.
"No, I'm just being a good friend, making sure you don't date an annoying slut," I say bluntly.
Bella and Paul burst out laughing, and Jessica's nostrils flare.
"You bitch!" She shouts, and smacks me across the face.
Bella and Paul immediately stop laughing, and glare at Jessica, and Bella stands up, looking as if she's about to beat the hell out of Jessica.
"I don't know who you think you are, but nobody, and I mean nobody, touches my best friend," Bella tells Jessica, her eyes colder than I've ever seen them before.
"Aw, look. You have someone to fight your battles for you," Jessica says, cackling madly.
I smile, and stand up, getting closer to her face than I had to anyone ever before.
"No one fight my battles, I do. Now do you want to say that to my face, while I'm right here?" I ask her.
She gulps, and looks around for help, but everyone turns away from her, not wanting to get on my bad side.
She slowly backs away from me, and I stay in place, watching her.
She looks at me, quickly mutters an apology, and runs from the scene like the coward she is.
"That's what I thought," I mumble under my breath, sitting in my chair.
"Damn! That was hot!" Paul says.
I look at him, roll my eyes, and turn back to my lunch.
"Okay, so now that I've met your friends, I think it's time you met mine," He says getting up.
"And why is that?" I ask him cocking an eyebrow.
"Well as you said before, we're friends, and I'm pretty sure that's what friends do?" He ends up asking me.
I sigh, and curse myself under my breath for letting jealousy get the best of me, and turn to Bella.
"If I'm not back in 20 minutes, know that I will never forget you," I say dramatically.
She rolls her eyes, and says with a smirk of her own on her face, "Have fun!"

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