Chapter 5

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There was no road. No hole. No tunnel. I was far from home I realized. I was completely lost. I had no way of getting back. I felt a hand reach for mine. "since the gates closed we made a hole to pull you through, it closed when you came out" it was Jared. "oh" I felt like crying. 

     "what's wrong with being here though?" he asked, looking up at me. "I have my sister" I gazed at the endless line of trees. "My sister's locked in one of the dream-worlds" Jared said softly. I glanced at him. "I'm sorry" I really was. I had no idea what that meant but I knew it wasn't good.

     "What's really going on? Why do I have to come here?" I asked. "nobody can come back to their dreamworld twice. We tried getting Alice, but I think Jack grabbed you by accident. Even he can't disobey the rules here" he explained, "Everything about this place is breaking the rules" I said. Jared shrugged, "your rules are the ones being broken. These are the dream-worlds, they have their own rules" I sighed and looked back to the increasingly heated squabble.

     "I'm stuck then?" I braced myself for the yes that was inevitable. Jared cocked his head thoughtfully, "No, I think you can go back, but Grandpa's tired, he probably won't be able to find another person to help us" I thought about this. "So I'm your last chance" he nodded. "Fine" I sighed and turned back, I felt bad for him and his sister. I knew what it was like being separated from someone you loved. Not fun.

     "I'm only doing this for you and your sister" I warned him as we walked back. He said nothing, just squeezed my hand harder. 

     The argument abruptly ended when we neared. Jared let go of my hand before they noticed. He might be Alice's age, but he was a typical boy. Brute force before anything else. 

     I took a deep breath when all eyes turned on me. I was suddenly aware of my appearance. Again, I wished for my dress, and fought down my embarrassment. I would make them get me a dress when I made my announcement. I was suddenly nervous though, what if I failed? What if I messed everything? I was thinking too much. I shook it off and blurted it out.

"I'm going to help you" 

     The twins clapped. "But I have conditions!" I stopped them. Jack snorted. "Jack!" Arthur admonished.

     "a dress first of all" I pointed to my nightgown. "yes, we wouldn't want your wedding dress getting ruined" Arthur muttered thoughtfully. My what? I gaped at him. "I'm not-" , "what? You are getting married aren't you?" he looked sharply at my ring on my left hand. My first thought was of Lowell. "Yes, to Lowell Manchester" I answered honestly. "See there!" Arthur trumpeted. "But that's-" I started, one of the twins interrupted, "Perfect timing Jack! Now her fiance will be worried sick!", if he wasn't halfway around the world, I thought. "you're getting married?" Jared looked astonished, "but you're young!", "I'm seventeen" I shrugged, "He's rich, so he get what he wants" Arthur looked scandalized. "He should still wait until you're of age!" he burst out. "you heard her" Jack grumbled, "he's rich. He has everything he needs, and more. A simple law shouldn't be a problem" I glanced at him, how did he know about the laws in my country?

     "My wedding isn't important right now" I ceased all talk about my fiance. "I need things in order to help you right?" heads nodded. "First, I need a new dress. Arthur's right, this won't do. Second, I Jared with me wherever I go" Arthur gave me a queer look at this, "Third, don't ever keep anything from me. I want no secrets. Finally, promise me I get to go home after this", they all agreed, minus Jack, who  seemed more interested in making supper. 

     Suddenly tired, I wilted to the ground. "Do you mind me asking, what is you name?" Jared plopped himself down next to me. "Lorina" I answered closing my eyes, " can I ask you a question too?" he said nothing. "What was your sister's name?" he shifted and I opened my eyes to look at him. "Was it wrong of me to ask?" he shook his head. "oh" I stared at the increasing flames of the fire. 

"It was Rina" he blurted, and ran away. 

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