Chapter 3

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     "Calm down!" someone yelled. We were being pulled through a force. Instinctively, I gripped the thing closest to me, my attacker. I heard him curse as my nails dug into his shoulder. Good. That's what he got for dragging me out of my house to.... where was I? 

     I sneaked a peek, and started screaming again. I wasn't on my front lawn. I wasn't in my kitchen. I was nowhere. Blackness surrounded us like a fog, choking everything.

     "Stop it!" I shrieked, "Take me back!" I pounded on my attacker. He swore again, which added to the already alarming picture of a large pirate with a group of thugs. "Go away!" I continued my shrieking, "Let me go!", his response was to hoist me over his shoulder like a doll. I gave up. Soon after I sank into an exhausted sleep.

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