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Randall Jensen woke up very early today. Today was his first day of school. The five year old dressed himself in the clothes that were laid out for him, and then ran wildly down the stairs. He quickly fixed himself a bowl of cereal and ate it down. He then started playing with his toy truck to pass the time while his mother slowly awoke and prepared for her day.

While playing with the truck, a figure appeared before Randall. The figure was adult in size, somewhat translucent, and looked like a clown. He had a seriously silly smile on his face which seemed fixed in place. His eyes locked onto Randall and didn't veer away.

"Randall...Randall...wanna have some fun?" asked the clown.

Randall tried to look away from the clown. He ignored the clown's request and continued to play with his truck. Then the clown pushed a glass statue off a nearby coffee table. The statue shattered into dozens of pieces on the wooden floor.

"No...Why did you do that?" Randall whined.

"C'mon kid. Have some fun. You can't be good all the time," the clown replied.

Randall's mother's footsteps increased in both loudness and frequency. She hurried down the stairs to see what the destructive noise could have been. When she gazed upon the glass debris strewn across the floor, her face tightened into a fierce expression of anger.

"Randall Anthony Jensen! What did you do. Do you have any idea how valuable that was?" she stated.

"But mom, the clown did it," Randall whined.

"Oh my gosh. You're the only one here. Don't you dare lie on your first day of school."

"But mom, I saw him. He's re...."

"You saw no one! Stop lying. Now get your things together so I can drop you off at school. And this lying better stop!"

At school Randall was seated at a small desk. His desk was third from the front in the middle row of the room. As the first hour of the day went by, Randall tried to concentrate on the teacher, but his thoughts kept wandering back to the morning encounter with the clown and the broken statue. After a while he started to get more comfortable and relaxed. That's when the clown made his second appearance.

"Hey don't like that girl sitting ahead of you, do you?" Randall sat silent. "I know you don't like her. You don't like anyone." Then the clown slapped the back of the girl's head. The girl screamed in pain.

"What's all this about," the teacher yelled.

"Randall hit me on the back of the head," the girl said crying.

"Randall!" screamed the teacher staring at Randall. "On the first day!"

"It wasn't me. The clown did it." The whole room broke out in laughter.

"Quiet!" the teacher yelled slamming a yard stick onto her desk. "That's it mister. The principal will deal with you!"

Randall sat silently in the principal's office for the rest of the day. Luckily the clown didn't reappear. Later his mother picked him up. Randall stayed silent during the whole drive home while his mother made occasional comments on how disappointed she was with him. Randall learned that day not to mention the clown. But he could not make the clown stay away.

Three weeks into the school year, Randall's class took a field trip along with four other classes from the school. On the bus, Randall had the unfortunate luck to sit behind Chad Desmond, the bully of the sixth grade.

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