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A/N Hey so this part is going to be a suprise

paris p.o.v

paris : Hey Austin Please awnser

paris : Austin please awnser


paris : Hey AUSTIN CORINI are you ok.

paris: Austin is it true that you have a girlfriend?

Austin : No it is just something called staging

paris : ACBCKFINBLINGIIISBDHF. Is it really you. Austin corini from the tide.

Austin : Yeah

paris : can you get drew to tweet me mentioning me and saying that it is you

*drew's tweet*
@ peabear123 it is really him trust me I will dm you a pic of him chatting to you and send you a picture of levi taking a picture of me taking a picture of him chatting to you. *end of drew's tweet           *

paris : ok Austin I believe it is you and can you check out my YouTube channel called peabear .

Austin : maybe

A/N YOU didn't see Austin replying to her dms did ya but that was the suprise so this is like the part of the story where it really starts to happen because the others were only starter chapters to make it a bit more like reality

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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