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I don't think I should go back to the bakery. It's not fair, I never asked Iris for her opinion. I don't want to go back the the orphanage, nobody can make me. I pull out a piece of paper from the tree that I slept under last night. "Elbourt" it said. Odd. I have never seen or heard of that word. I'm very curious to find out what it means and says. I zone out in all my thought and bump into someone.

"Sorry! I wasn't paying attention. I'm so sorry." I say. The person turns around and to my shock he smiles. He is tall, he has dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Don't be sorry, I shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the path. I'm Linus." He says still smiling.

It takes me a moment to realize what had happened. "I wasn't paying attention either, it's not your fault." He finishes. Still smiling.

"Umm, ok. I'm still sorry." I say. Looking at he paper in my hand.

"Your name?" He asks me.

"Oak. Sorry, again."

"It's ok. You seem to really like apologizing." He says laughing. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Sor- yeah. It's a habit. I haven't seen you around before." I say, trying to start a conversation.

Linus looks at me, right in the eyes. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable so I look away, waiting for an answer. I feel his hand on my cheek as he turns my face back towards him.

"Your eyes." He starts. "They're... so different." He says and looks down at down at the ground. I blush.

I don't think that I have ever blushed this much before. I don't even think that I have smiled this much before! Linus seems to make me happy.

"Yeah. I'm the odd ball of this town." I say and there is a small silence.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" He asks. Blushing, both of us walk side by side. I see a small smile on his face as he takes my hand.

-hope you guys are liking the story so far! Comment what you think will happen!- * Destiny

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