Early Gleam

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Comming home from late night shifts really sucks sometimes. I knew when I got home there would be a wrapped up plate of food in the fridge. And mostly ramen everywere if Papa Franku took over. Sighing to myself I searched for my keys as I felt the sky turn a lighter shade. The sun should be rising soon. And I'm so tired.

Finding my keys I quietly go in the dark living room turning on the lamp to see that for once the place wasn't a complete mess. I even peaked around to the kitchen to see it spotless. 'Frank must of had manners today' I think as I go to the bathroom finding my sleepwear laid out for me along with a fluffy towel. 'Frank would never do this' I smile and get in the shower scrubbing off the days filth and stress. The hot steam really relaxed my skin and muscles. As I finish I towel off and put on the cosy sleepwear looking around for Joji. Even this late sometimes he would be gone or up making beats. But there was no sign of him. I didn't feel like eating when I couldn't find Joji. Usually he greets me from his laptop or has a note written where he was. But there was nothing. Sighing I turn off the lamp in the kitchen blindingly finding my way to the bedroom.

It was lit a bit from the morning light. But not enough to where I can see very well. As I go up to Jojis side I see that in the very pale light silhouetted a figure. Looking closely it was Joji in a tank top halfway covered up fast asleep. He looked so peaceful. I smile as the light gets a bit brighter, I flip out my phone and quietly take a picture. This was a rare thing to see. I just had to keep the moment alive. As I step silently to my side I hear a light snoring from him. I lay beside him and grab some of the covers settling in feeling his warmth aginst me.

Right before I close my eyes I hear a deep chuckle. "Taking pictures of people while they're sleeping huh?" he spoke so softly in my ear in Japanese. It ran chills down my spine. "Joji... You were awake..." he chuckled again and kissed my ear lobe. "I was awake the whole time" I blush embarrassed that I was caught in the act. "I'm sorry... You just looked peaceful" as I reach for my phone to deleate the picture I feel his hand go up my thigh to my hip, he trails his fingers up my skin softly. "Don't worry about it" he says as I put my hand down. The warmth of his breath hits the back of my neck making me melt into him. The very essence of his touch melted my bones. I turn around to see his tired face, a piece of his hair lingered in his face.

The sun was now rising. Slowly but surely. The light gleamed on him showing the outline of his soft smile. I felt his hand on my jawline. "You look beautiful even a picture can't express it" he neared his face twords mine and I felt the slight touch of his lips aginst mine, he lingered them there for a while breathing softly as he ran his hands up and down my back. "Joji we don't have time..." I say in Japanese and he sighs softly pushing his lips more on mine. "We can make the time" he muttered back as he went into a full kiss. He pulled me closer to him emracing me deepening the kiss and turning it into a makeout uttering a slight "mmn" here and there. I was to tired. But with what Joji was doing I could feel my body began to rise from it's needed rest.

I felt him take off my pajiama shirt slowly, his lips claming my neck while his hand felt around. He was lightly touching me with his palms making me utter a slight moan. I didn't want to give in. Not tonight. But the way Joji looked as he took off his shirt going back to kissing the nape of my neck and down to my breast made me change my mind. 'Fuck you. Cunt' I think as I sigh in pleasure as I felt his soft wet tounge lick my nipples as I feel his fingers grace my clit. Moaning softly running my hands up his back to his head rubbing my hands in his locks. He muttered a soft groan. More light came in through the shades lightening up the room. Joji was now covered in the luminescence of the orange glow that comes before then sun. He sat me up and pulled off my pants and underwear along with his. He sat me on his waist spreading my legs wrapping his with mine. I felt his hands on my ass as he guides me onto him. I hold onto his shoulders as he motions for me to move.

His lips went back on mine as he groaned in pleasure. "That's it. Just like that" his tounge twisted along with mine. Sonetimes he would bring me closer to deepky kiss me maling me ride him slower but hard. It was a pace sat at it's finest. And it was perfect. I rocked my body on his making him shutter and moan. He grabbed my ass motioning me to go faster. And I did. As I come back down on his waist he huffed and grabbed me pushing me back on my back groaning holding my wrist down as he powered hisself onto me.

"Ahh... Fuck... J-Joji..." I moaned as I look up seeing his smile in the light. "You are so beautiful" he pants and rocks his body aginst mine. I go with the motion feeling myself get tighter. "J-Joji.. I...-" I was stopped by his lips on mine. His strokes became slower but more rougher. He knew I was at my limit. This man surely knew how to please. I felt myself cum all on him and his stroskes get faster and harder. He was taking deep breaths inhailing through his teeth. "Tshhh fuck" I felt him cum in me feeling the hot liquid warming me up inside. Good thing I was protected.

He laid there for a few moments looking down at me stroaking my sweaty forehead. "You look so good in this light. But you always look good so what am I saying?" I laugh and embrace him closely. "Take the day off please?" I look at him and smile. "Already have. Now come on get your sweaty ass off of me I got to take another shower" I push him off to the side if the bed making him giggle. "I'm joining you" "come on then cunt" I lead the way to the bathroom. "Yes ma'am" he follows giggling.

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