Chapter 3

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SONG FOR CHAPTER: "Moonlight" by Ariana Grande


Chapter 3

"Your patient Mark is here, Kristen." Greg, one of her closest friends said from the door way of her massage room. "Send him in for me, please." Kristen say laying out everything she needs for her patient. Kristen's patient Mark walked in behind her good friend Stacey who is sporting a very vibrant red, orange, and yellow colored hair that makes her hair look like fire.

A year ago Stacey and Kristen made a bet during a football game tournament and whoever's team lost, the other would have to dye their hair a color they hate. The first game Kristen won and the second game the two betted on Stacey won. So therefore they both were sporting different hair colors, but neither of the two hated their new hairstyles because they both kept it.

"Hey, guys. Mark you can just lay on the table. I'm not finish setting up yet." Kristen said as Stacey walked up to her. "Are you nervous for tonight, honey buns?" She asked pulling on Kristen's ponytail. "Yes and no. I already have what I'm wearing out and ready." Kristen said taking out the heating pads. "Good. Tell me how it goes." She said leaving, but not before smacking Kristen upside the temple.

"Just wait until I catch you off guard, Bitch." Kristen said causing Stacey to giggle and leave. Mark was use to them acting the way they do. He walked in on Kristen and Stacey throwing body oil at each other and sleeping around on the floor. "Alright, Mark. We will be doing the usual. I'll put the heating pads on and you will try to flex your muscles softly." Kristen says softly and began to lay the warm pads on his damaged skin where the muscles were tight and sore.

"You got it. Come on." Kristen says pushing on his leg that was starting to give. A few minutes later, Mark gave up and decided to try again next week. As the morning and afternoon passed by Kristen's usual customers came through her physical and massage therapy building.

Kristen always has a mixture of doing both massage and physical therapy. When she was done with all of her patients by four, she left from work dressed in a pair of pale baby blue scrubs and her hair down and tangled.

When she got home, she took a long shower to loosen up for the night. A certain pair of lips and eyes, and everything else about him kept Kristen up late night. Kristen stayed in the shower until she stepped out as a prune. Kristen pulled on a pair of black lace underwear and walked around her room in no bra. Kristen was perfectly comfortable with being naked in her own home. She went and sat down at her vanity dresser to do her make up.

Kristen stared at myself as she swiped on mascara to make her dark brown eyelashes darker, then she used a silver eyeshadow to match her hair color, and a thick layer of eyeliner. After focusing on her eyes, she finally swiped on a layer of a deep dark velvet colored lipstick to make her lips look full. When she was done, Kristen sauntered over to her bed where her outfit was laid out waiting for her to put on.

A bundle of nerves ran through Kristen as she put on her dark burgundy bodycon sleeveless dress that stops just before her ankles. Kristen blew out a breath as she attempted to push her boobs back into her dress. She didn't know if she should cover her chest with her hair because she didn't want to seem as if she was desperate.

The whole time Kristen is thinking about taking her hair down from its messy ponytail she had already slipped into a pair of black and gold double strapped heels. She put on a pair of her only studs earrings that are a gold with a diamond in the middle and an old diamond of hers that was gifted by her mother on her sixteenth birthday.

Every time Kristen goes somewhere special, she wears the diamond bracelet. Just as she was about to reach up and take out her ponytail, her doorbell rang. With a quick glance at herself in her floor length mirror, Kristen walked out of her room and to the door where her black purse and phone waited for her.

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