Untitled Part 1

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K. I'm sorry. this thing won't let me change the title but it's Jack and Lucas (pt 1)


I sat in the dorm, waiting for everything to calm down. The world kept spinning. Maybe I was drunk but I can't remember the last time I had a drink of alcohol. I didn't feel well at all and that was before the voices started talking to me. I was used to them now but they still scared me. Not the fact that they were there but that the things they said were true. I always believed them even if everyone else told me that they (or I) was wrong.

Parker came in then, a tall blond boy with green eyes and a terrible temper. We had become friends since I started going to the academy but I was still skittish around him.

"Hi" I said, and waved tentatively. Parker came over to the bed I was sitting on and looked down at me. He was much taller than I was.

"Why haven't you come down to lunch yet?" he asked, a bit angrily.

The voices told me why I shouldn't but I came up with a better excuse. "I just don't feel well," I replied, wrapping my arms around my middle. Actually, I did feel kind of sick. Parker narrowed his eyes.

"Are you avoiding us?" he nearly yelled.

"W-What?" i stuttered. "W-why would you think that?" Tears were pricking the back of my eyes but only from nervousness.

"You never come out with us anymore, you won't eat anything with us, whenever we do go out, you hide behind someone or spend all your time in some store or bathroom. If that doesn't sound like you avoiding us, then i don't know what does.You're a terrible friend."

I felt the tears fall down my cheeks before I even registered that I was crying. Parker had already stormed off but I still whispered, "You're right."

After about thirty minutes, during which i nearly cried myself to sleep, i heard another of my friends come up the stairs. Quickly, i tried to sit up and wipe the tears off my face, but suddenly a spike of nausea ran up my throat. I covered my mouth and swallowed hard, trying not to be sick.

At this point, Karina was standing outside the door, knocking, because she actually understood privacy. I stood up and walked toward the door, then stopped and doubled over, holding a hand to my mouth. Garbling something like "Come in," i ran for the bathroom.

Karina entered and looked around her, surprised to find the room empty. Then she heard my retching from the bathroom and came running.

"Hon, are you ok?" she asked worriedly.

I groaned, and vomited again, although not much was coming up.

"Poor thing," she murmured, and rubbed my back until i was done being sick. Looking into the toilet, she said, "I know this is awkward, but, babe, puke isn't supposed to such a disturbing shade of red."

I took a quick glance at the toilet's contents before flushing them away. "It's nothing. Don't worry. I had some..." i searched for a red food. "Um.. tomatoes for lunch. I guess they were a little overripe."

"Ok," she sighed. "You really don't eat enough. I can't remember the last time i saw you with a slice of pizza."

Although my mouth watered at the tempting image, the voices started yelling again. My stomach began to churn and i heard a loud gurgle emanating from my middle. "Let's not talk about food," i groaned quietly.

She laughed a little and nodded, then started rubbing my belly.

"Hey, what are you doing?" i protested. She stopped and looked at me. "Sorry. I didn't mean to yell." i looked down and blushed. "I'm just not really comfortable with... touching, y'know?"

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