Bay and Ash 11

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Ash looked at Bay with a confused expression. "You barely ate anything."

Bay looked down. "I know. I wasn't hungry today. Sorry. You can have the rest."

"But what did you mean by-"

"Never mind." Bay shook his head and pushed the rest of his fries toward Ash. "It's nothing."

"If you say so." Ash took the extra fries but he chewed them with concern. Bay had been distant and sickly looking the whole time they'd been at the restaurant. He didn't know Bay very well so this could have been his modus operandim but to Ash this seemed unhealthy.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Everything's fine," Bay said,a little snappishly. A few minutes later, however,he looked even worse. "Could you excuse me for a minute? I need to use the restroom."

"Sure. I'll be outside in the car when you're ready to go."

"Thanks." Bay flashed a weak smile before getting up unsteadily and walking quickly to the washroom.

Ash went to stand up and felt a sharp cramp in his middle. He looked down at his belly, which had definitely grown in size since the morning. He was way too full. Thinking about his new acquaintance had distracted him from his stomach's aching until now. He didn't feel very well.

He thought he might be sick. He hadn't thrown up since the third grade when he'd had the swine flu and he was a little afraid of doing it again. Ash hauled himself out of the booth and went into the washroom. He wanted to be prepared, just in case. As he opened the door, he heard retching from one of the stalls. Someone else was being sick. Maybe there was something in the food that was making him feel this way.

The stall opened and Bay emerged. Feeling guilty for not waiting outside like he'd said he would, Ash his behind the door, watching through a crack. Bay washed his hands at the sink and rinsed out his mouth. He stared at himself in the mirror for a few minutes and Ash thought he say a tear trickle down Bay's cheek. Then Bay scrubbed his face with cold water and turned to dry his hands.

Ash ran out to the car, hoping he would be in and casual looking before Bay came out. He was very worried about the boy. He must be really ill to be having all these symptoms.

Abruptly, something inside him shifted and Ash was feeling more uncomfortable than he had for a long while. He could feel everything he'd just swallowed churning in his gut, which wasn't very happy with him. Ash thought his intestines might burst. He was really glad he hadn't ordered dessert.

Bay sat in front of the toilet, fingers down his throat. It seemed so normal, so routine, this ritual that he practiced after every forced feeding. If only he didn't have to do this. If only it wasn't needed. But he deserved it. He deserved this punishment. He felt awful, both emotionally and physically.

With all his stomach's meager contents safely in the toilet bowl, he stood up and flushed. The saliva clung to his hand in slimy strings. It was disgusting. He was disgusting. He ran his hands under the water, washing them thoroughly, and rinsed the acid taste he'd grown accustomed to out of his mouth.

Bay stared at his reflection in the dirty mirror. His lips were chubby. His arms were flabby. Even his face was fat. How could anyone bear to look at him? Why did he even bother existing? He felt a tear begin to trickle down his cheek. Being sentimental? "What a pussy. Man up, bitch ass," he whispered to himself.

He couldn't be caught looking like he was crying, so Bay scrubbed his face until it looked normal, took a deep breath, and walked out to the car.

As he opened the door, Bay could see the pained expression on Ash's face. The black haired boy was hunched over, his head resting on the steering wheel. He cradled his distended belly and moaned.

"You ok?" Bay asked, already knowing the answer.

Ash shook his head, not changing position, and moaned again. "That was way too much for any rational minded person to try and fit inside their body. But of course I'm the dumbass with eyes bigger than his stomach."

"Can I help?" Bay queried, wanting to make his new friend more comfortable.

"Got any suggestions?"

"Well," He said tentatively, "You could always, you know, get rid of it."

"Nah, that's a waste of money. And I really, really don't like throwing up." The last sentence came out more like a whimper as an especially powerful cramp squeezed Ash's belly. He breathed in sharply, clenching his teeth.

"Do you think a belly rub would help?"

Ash looked over at Bay, who was nervously messing with his fingers. "Why not." Ash groaned. "It can't make it worse."

Bay locked the car doors and helped Ash recline his seat back. Having his tender tummy exposed to someone else's hands was a prospect Ash hadn't considered for his first outing with a person. Bay gently pulled the lower part of Ash's hoodie up, revealing a very swollen, very unhappy looking tummy. It bulged out, audibly sloshing and gurgling. An angry red line ran down the center, showing how much it had stretched.

Bay placed his hands on it. They were still cold from the sink water and Ash pulled away in protest at first. Eventually, though, he pushed his hot middle into the cool soothing hands running across it. Bay's talented fingers massaged out cramps and pressed into pockets of air, resulting in burps and embarrassed looks from Ash.

Secretly, Bay loved the feeling of the taught, feverish skin against his fingertips. the elastic give of human skin was fascinating to him. Occasionally he would playfully poke the belly, gaining surprised yelps from its owner.

Eventually, Ash's belly had calmed down enough that it wasn't drowning out their conversation with it's gurgling and Ash's pain was tolerable.

"So, did we learn a lesson about overdoing it today?" Bay asked playfully.

"I know I did," Ash laughed. "But I can't promise I won't have to learn it again." He paused and became a bit more serious. "What about you?"

"What about me?"Bay was suddenly wary.

"I heard you in the bathroom. Are you sick?"

"No." Bay bit his lip.

"Tell me the truth." Ash really cared about his new friend. He knew something wasn't right and he wanted to help him.

"I promise, I'm not sick," Bay said, his face unreadable. "At least, not in the conventional way."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

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