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I was writing this one earlier today, but I logged out of WattPad on accident and all of my work got deleted.


Here's the newer version.😊

Michelle was shaking, not knowing how to react when the plus sign looked up at her innocently. She looked at the other pregnancy test, her heart beating quickly at the words 'not pregnant'. She couldn't be pregnant. It was impossible

Scott used a condom. He had to.

Both Michelle and Scott cared a lot about safe sex and made sure to be carefully when they did have sex. They never did anything unless they had everything they needed. Now it seems like they weren't as careful as they thought.

Maybe I should do two more tests just to make sure.

Michelle took the tests and set them on the counter, her long nails anxiously tapping on the counter as she waited. She took deep breaths, hoping that Scott wouldn't be mad at her if she was actually pregnant.

He won't get mad...right? It's Scott.

Her negative thoughts multipled as she tried to convince herself that Scott wouldn't mad, that he would love this child more than anything in this life time. She bit fingernails, tears gathering in her eyes as the first test beeped. The second one beeped and she looked at the tests, gasping as more tears gathered in her eyes. She wiped her right cheek as one slipped down, shaking her head as the words popped up.


Michelle began to cry, shaking more as she picked up her phone. She called the person she could trust the most in this situation, sniffling loudly as the phone rang.

"Michelle! What's up, girlie?! How are you?"

"Kirstie," Michelle whimpered out, sobbing quietly as she picked up a pregnancy test. She took a deep breath, her hands shaking as she looked at the test. "Can you come here? I need you."

"Jeremy, I'll be right back," Kirstie yelled out, the door opening and closing as she walked to her car. "Michelle, what's wrong? Is everything okay?"

Tell her the truth. It'll all be okay. She won't judge you.

"Kirstie...I'm pregnant."


Michelle was grateful when Kirstie hugged her the moment she walked in, sighing in relief when the older girl smiled at her sweetly.

"I can't wait until your little child calls me Auntie Kirstie," the brunette murmured, leading Michelle to the living room. The girls sat down, looking at each other worriedly. "Does Scott know, honey? He deserves to."

"I know, but I'm not ready," Michelle admitted sadly, taking the test out if her pocket. She handed it to Kirstie, making the taller girl gasp out loud. "I'm pregnant.  I don't know how to tell Scott. What would I do if he wants to abort it?"

"Honey, you need to realize that Scott is going to love you and this child more than anything in this world. He would never leave you, baby," Kirstie reassured, brushing the dark hair back. Michelle nodded, sighing as she put her hands on her stomach. "That child in your stomach may be smaller than a pea right now, but in no time at all, you'll be holding them and loving them with all your being. You may scared right now, but your child will take your fears away. Do it for your child."

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