6-The Fake Spider Webs Return

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As you and Yuri stepped into the house, you noticed Chris had decided to decorate his house. There were cheap plastic skeletons hanging along the walls, there were some fake spiderwebs strung along the couch (much to your displeasure after the Halloween store) and last but not least there was a huge plastic pumpkin punch bowl in the middle of the room.

You mentally voted that Yuuri would be the first to trip over it.

"Wassup children, we have arrived." You said as you plopped in between Viktor and Yuuri.

Yuri came quickly behind you, and noticed where you were sitting.

"Oi, asshole move over." He said to Yuuri.

"Nope." Yuuri said with a smile on his face.

"Pork Cutlet Bowl I swear to God move over in three seconds or I'll sit on you." Yuri threatened.

"Nope!" Yuuri continued to insist.

Yuri waited five seconds, then with all his might he flung himself onto Yuuri causing him to squeal and move over.

"I warned you asshole." Yuri said with a smirk.

A few hours later, the party had really started. There must have been half the school there, but thankfully your group had managed to stay together.

"Hey guys! We should play truth or dare!" Viktor yelled over the music.
"Hell yeah!" Everyone yelled in response.

You all got yourselves into a circle and sat down.
"Ok, I'll go first." Yuuri said.
"Viktor, truth or dare?" Yuuri asked.
"Dare." Viktor said with a slight smirk.
"Ok, I dare you to kiss me." Yuuri said with a tinge of cockiness.

Viktor grabbed Yuuri's face and their lips smashed together.
"Woah there, calm down you two. There are children around." JJ said gesturing to Yuri.

"I'm more of a man than you are dickhead." Yuri said.
JJ just grumbled in response.

"Anywho, Yuri your turn. I don't think Viktor is in the position to take any dares." Ota said.

"Hmm, ok. Y/N, truth or dare?" Yuri asked.

"Dare." You said. You loved dares. Especially when you gave them. Sadly, this was not one of those times.

"Fine then. I dare you to kiss me." Yuri said with a deadpan face.

October 31st-Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now