Chapter 2 - Crush

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Jungkook P.O.V

Urgh.. She's driving me insane. Both of us don't really know each other and we living in the same house, more importantly as a husband and wife. I can't really sleep that night thinking how I should explain this later to my girlfriend, Tae Hee. She will be furious as hell knowing I live with someone else especially girl. Oh Lord. Help me facing this reality. Naturally, I just drove to sleep without thinking anymore.

I woke with a major headache, I must be thinking too much last night. My head hurts like hell. I reached for the towel and heads to the bathroom. Those warm shower help releasing all those tension. Did she wake up already? Pfft, why do I care? We're good on our own. After I suit myself up, I'm going out to buy for breakfast until I saw a note left on the table.

I've already bought some groceries and I'll prepare a simple breakfast. Eat up. I head to work first. See ya. - Alex -

Well, it's better than getting out for breakfast. A simple sandwich but delicious. I prepare myself for school and headed out.

End of P.O.V


When I woke up, I notice there is nothing for breakfast thus I make a quick groceries. I prepare some for him as a token for him letting me in. Today works is as usual. Many people come in to get coffees. Oh, I'm a big fan a coffee, thus I work as a barista to satisfy my pleasure with coffee. The aroma of roasted coffee beans smells like heaven. The coffee shop getting crowded as people like to enjoy their coffee and sweets in the morning.

"Hi, welcome. Can I take your order, Sir..." Daebak. He is so freaking handsome. I never saw someone this beautiful. My heart started to beat really fast. Don't smile, I might broke here. Just don't.

"Hi, I would Hot Caramel Macchiato, with more cream please."

"Can.. can I get your name, Sir." It was really deep and manly voice, how come he's this cute but had manly voice.

"It's Jae Hee."

"Beautiful name." 

I didn't realize that I'm stupid enough to utter those word. Damn, Alexis.

"What did you say, miss?"

"Nothing, you order will be ready in few minutes. It's be 3500 won." 

He handed me the money but I'm still mesmerizing by his looks then he let out a small laugh. It's embarrassing when I realize it and I accidentally snatched the money from him roughly. He must be quite shocked. I apologize and prepare the coffee for him.

"Thank you, do come again." 

He's looking at something and I think it's my name tag.

"I will, Miss Alexis. Thanks for the coffee." 

I watch him walk away from the shop while waving from far. Oh My God, he's totally my type and I had a crush on him. This day is totally my day.


Today classes are boring. Well, why you can expect from economics lectures. Full of terms and fact. Jimin and Taehyung are already dozing off. I nudge them up as the lectures approaching to the end. As soon the professor leaves the hall, we sprint off to the cafeteria. The hyungs are already there, waiting for us. 

Seven of us are known as Bangtan Boys. Namjoon and Yoongi hyung major in Business, Jin and Hoseok hyung in Accounting. Meanwhile Jimin, Taehyung an myself in Economics. We know each other from high school.

"Yo, three of you are late, today." 

Namjoon added while munching his food.

"The speech was so long, I can't even put head straight." 

Jimin letting out the frustration. He just sleep in every class, that wasn't supposed to be a problem to him. Whatever, I going to eat the food until Hoseok stopped me.

"I heard you need a place? Did you find one already?"

"I did. It is nice." Yeah, really nice when you 'a wife' in the house.

"Text us the address, you should put up a housewarming party."

"Later, let me eat first. I'm hungry as hell." 

I have no worries telling them about Alex but how I'm going to tell Tae Hee after this. Speaking of her, there she is. She is having lunch with her friends. She made a sign she's going to call me later. Oh God, Tae Hee is an overprotective girlfriend. She freaks out whenever girls near me. It's not my fault I'm this good looking. Bless mom and dad. After lunch we had back to the class and continue the lessons.

Finally, the lectures are over. Taehyung wants to hang out playing games but I decline the offer as my girlfriend keep hitting my phone with her calls. I excuse myself and approach her in the in front of the gate.

"You are late, baby. Why don't you pick up my call?" 

There she go again. I hugged her as this the best way to ease her besides a kiss.

"Geez, did you find a place? Can I visit you?"

"Yes I did but you can't babe, I need to settle few things first." 

Nope. It's gonna be bad when you visit me later. I hold her hand and continue walking towards the subway station. I bid her goodbye with a kiss.


It's time to hit home. The last customer finally left few minutes ago. Aigoo, now I can go home and have some relaxing bath. Before that, I need to buy dinner because I'm lazy as hell to cook. Should I buy some for Jungkook? Nah, he's on his own. I bid my co-workers and left for home.

I pushed the button waiting for Jungkook to open the door. I didn't make any extra key yet. We just settle down for a day. He open the door gushing his annoying face. This brat, I cook his breakfast before. Without saying any word, we just continue doing our own stuffs. I was in the bath, when a doorbell rings.

Geez, I called out for Jungkook but he didn't answer me at all. Does he deaf or he on PMS today? I grab the towel and quickly put on a bathrobe as I'm in hurry. I open the door and I'm almost jumping out when six boy yell surprise. We are dumbfounded and awkward at that moment.

"Jungkook, get you freaking ass here!" 

I yell at him. He rushes out from his room mumbling until the boys greet him.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?"

"We want to surprise you and yet you surprise us. Who are she? And why are you living together?" 

Hoseok added to much surprise.

"Oh My God, did you cheat on Tae Hee?" 

Jimin adding oil to the fire.

"Look, I can explain...." 

Notice that I'm still in bathrobe and in front of guys, Jungkook urges me to wear something more proper. I hiss at him for not telling me this beforehand. Nice, now more people know about us living together. How I going to stop this mess?

"Hyung, we............." 

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