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A week and 2 days after last chapters end, Naruto P.O.V

I stretch as the doctor finally let me out of that dark room because my new eye adjusted perfectly. He smiled at me and handed me a handheld mirror. I looked into it to see my new royal purple eye.

"I look awesome," I say examining the eye and the scar. 

"I'm glad that dumb fox couldn't get rid of the scar," I say. I look back up to the doctor and he hands me a letter. I open it and I crumple the letter. 

"I told them the war would start when I was in there, I'll go get changed and head out you should go join the medics," I say heading to my room. The doctor nods and heads out already ready.

I attach my broad sword to my back after getting changed into clean clothes. I quickly sent a message to Dad saying my eyes adjusted perfectly and I can join. After a while of waiting for a reply, I finally get one and open it. 

'To Kitsune
That's great we need all the help we can at this stage because Madara has finally shown himself. There have been no sightings of the Uchiha as of yet but I do believe my wife felt him in Konoha near the Uchiha sector. Please check this out and confirm this suspicion before heading north to the battlefield.
From the King of Konoha.'

I smirk at the way he wrote it. I don't blame him though because what if the enemy got this message. I am the little secret that Konoha is hiding. I look out my window to see Sasuke racing towards the Uchiha sector with people in teo. 

I can tell that Orochimaru noticed me and smirked but didn't say a word about it to Sasuke who I know probably moped around for a week after hearing about my 'death'. I grabbed my cloak and covered my hair before following Sasuke. 

It seemed only Orochimaru noticed my presence and stopped telling his group to move on.

"I ssssee you're alivvvvvve," Orochimaru says turning to me. 

"I guess you did notice me," I say dropping my hood but keeping my right eye shut. 

"Wasssss there actttuuuaally and accccceedent at theeee KMC?" He asks and I nod. 

"There was and I could have actually died if not for the Kyuubi, but I was seriously harmed," I say and Orochimaru nods. 

"I can tell from that ssssscar," Orochimaru says pointing at my face. 

"Yeah, kinda lost an eye. That's the only reason I'm not in the war now, I had to let the new eye adjust," I say opening my eye showing my royal purple eye. 

"Not bad I need to get back, join usssss when we are leaving," Orochimaru says before leaving. I put my hood back up and run the rest of the way there.

I watched as Orochimaru reanimated the old kings of Konoha and they each told the story of the kingdom. Sasuke absorbed each word. 

"So who's the new king? And does he/she have a son/daughter?" The first asks. 

"His name is Minato Namikaze and his son Naruto died over a month ago in an accident at KMC or Konoha Military Camp," Sasuke says. Orochimaru snorts making people turn to him. 

"Dead my ass, he'sssss alive and healthhhhhy jussssst fooled the world, I ssssaw him not long ago," Orochimaru says making me smirk. 

"You're lying, I heard a machine blew up in his face!" Sasuke shouted. The third King looked sad at my death seeing as he's the one who put that fuzzball in me. 

"I feel someone else here, COME OUT!!" The second king shout and I smirked and stepped out of the shadows. 

"Sasuke for your information I'm alive," I say pulling my hood down revealing my sunny blonde hair, my mismatched eyes shone in the dark and my smirk evident. I stepped out and Sasuke's eyes went wide. 

"What happened to your eye?!" He shouted and I laughed. 

"The accident happened. Got a glass shard lodged in my right eye and had to get it replaced with this eye," I say. You could clearly see the scar on my eye.

"So you're the crown prince?" The first asks and I look at him. 

"Yeah, It's actually pretty cool meeting the previous Kings, I mean it doesn't happen every day so yeah," I say looking at each of then.

"It's amazing that we get to meet the fifth generation of Konoha," the first says. 

"What's going on out there?" The second says touching the wall closest to the battle. 

"War is being waged. I was left in the castle to let my new eye adjust when I told my Dad I was good to join he said my Mom sensed Sasuke near Konoha and asked me to check it out after that I'm meant to join," I say and the three Kings all curse. 

"Who's fighting who?" The third asks. 

"A group called the Akatsuki have been hunting the tailed beasts but in order to gain the last two the 8 and 9 tails they have to get them through war, their leader is none other than Madara Uchiha," I explain and the second growls in irritation. 

"That damn Uchiha is causing trouble again. Where are the 8 and 9 tails jinjurikies?" The second asks. 

"From what I know is that the 8 tails are already on the battlefield," Sasuke says. "The 9 tails we have no idea," He continues. Myself, Orochimaru, and the third all snort at once getting raised eyebrows. 

"You dumbass," I say and Sasuke grows a tick mark. He grabs my collar. 

"What did you call me dobe?!" He shouts. 

"A dumbass because you're holding the 9 tails jinjuriki by his collar," I retort making Sasuke drop me in shook. The first and second both look at me.

"Thank you, anyway yes I'm the 9 tails jinjuriki, you see the third died to seal the 9 tails in me and Orochimaru could feel the Kyuubi's chakra," I say getting up. 

"We should probably join the war if we ever want to win," I say putting my hood up and we all disappeared heading to the battlefield. 

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