Chapter 3

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"Qri can you help me find someone without Mom knowing?" I ask.

"Huh? Who?" She ask.

"My sister" I said.

I had been thinking of a way on how to find her and meet her again but my Mom is just way too strict.

"Your sister? I didn't know you have a sister" She said.

"Mom doesn't wanna talk about it" I said.

"What do you mean she doesn't want to talk about it? Does she hate your sister?" She ask and I shook my head.

"My Mom was divorced with her first husband." I said.

"First husband? So Mr. Park isn't your real Dad?" She said

"No. He isn't my real Dad . Mom never told me why did she and Dad divorced. I was too young that time to remember and understand everything. My sister and I were really close but we have to be separated. She was with my Dad and I am with Mom. I remember Mom keeps telling me before that she wanted a new life and forget EVERYTHING in the past and that everything includes my Dad and my sister. She even changed my surname to Park. From then, on I never heard anything about my sister and my Dad and just live the way my Mom wants me to be." I explained.

"You never try to ask your Mom?" She ask.

"I did but she doesn't give any answer to me. She doesn't want to talk about it" I said.

And right now, I'm really wondering why did we have to be in this kind of set up.

"It'll be hard Jiyeon. We need to find someone who could help us, someone that has no connection to our parents or else we'll never find them" She said.

"I know. That's why I need your help....again. You're the only person I can trust in this Qri-ah. Please help me find them. I miss my sister so much." I said pleading.

"What's your sister's name?" She ask.

"That's another problem. I don't remember her name coz I used to call her just unnie." I said.

Qri sighed.

"Oh....Then forget about it. How are we supposed to find someone who's name is 'unnie' Jiyeon? I need details" She said.

"Yah! It isn't my fault if I can't remember her name. I told you I was too young to remember everything but I do know that we live here nearby before" I said.

"Do you remember where exactly your house is?" She ask and I scratch the back of my head.

"Mianhae. Unnie used to carry me on her back when we go home and I usually fall asleep while she's carrying me so I'm not sure where the house is" I said.

"Heol. It'll be a long search then kiddo. It'll be more difficult since years already passed and who knows if your real Dad and your sister already move" She said.

"But you'll still help me right?" I said.

Qri look at me and sighed again.

"What choice do I have?" She said and I smile.

I love Qri for being this kind to me.

Even though I know that her girlfriend broke up with her because of me.

"We need to convince our parents to let us find a place to live in this place" I said.

"I doubt it Jiyeon" She said.

"Why?" I ask.

"Can't you see that there are no people walking around here even if it's still early? Take a look at the house. You can easily say that there's someone inside because of the lights but the doors are already closed even the window. There's lot of thugs walking around here during night Jiyeon" She said.

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