Part 5

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I woke up the next day. My, once organized folder, was now scattered on the floor.

How did that happen? I yawned before I decided to clean up the mess. Last night wasn't so great, the whole thing with Yugyeom kept me thinking about him. Not to mention the couch is not a suitable environment.

"Good morning~" Someone had crawled down and began to help me pick up the papers.

"Good Morning Jinyoung." I said very sleepily.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Fine..." I lied. I didn't think they'd need to know why I was up.

"I highly doubt that." Jinyoung handed me a small stack of papers. "What's wrong?"

"Um...." no one needed to know about Yugyeom. So only half the truth was told.

"So you're complaining about where you're sleeping?"

"This is exactly why I said I was fine." He let out a soft chuckle.
"I'm just teasing you."

"Oh, how very kind of you." I chuckled a bit. 

"So how did things go with Yugyeom last night?" I looked at him.

"H-how did you-"

"He told Bambam last night and I overheard."


"It surprises me though. You don't seem to be the type he'd go for." I gave him a look.

"Is that a compliment or insult?"

"It's whatever you take it to be." He stood up.

"Thank you for helping me clean up my papers."

"No problem, anyway I'm going to eat. Want something?"

"Anything will do." I smiled.


Yugyeom's POV

"So we are suspecting one of our own to be apart of the gang going around." Everyone was in shock.
It was a couple days later. We had to attend a meeting about the problem idols are facing. Everyone was so serious, even (y/n). (Y/N) raised her hand.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking.."


"What evidence did you gather to make this kind of assumption?" People stared at her. Seems like that wasn't the right question to ask.

"Miss (y/n), you do understand that it's always a possibility. This 'gang' knows what's happening and when it's happening."

"That isn't necessarily a decent foundation to go off of."

She's questioning her boss's reasoning? Is she insane?!?

"What actually evidence have we gathered?"

"I like you (y/n), and I'm glad you asked that. Considering no one  else had the guts too." The man continued with his evidence on his accusation.

Jinyoung leaned into my ear and whispered, "He was testing them and no one caught on but (y/n). He's just trying to keep them thinking."

"Thank you, I was very confused." The meeting continued for another hour and (y/n) continued to impress me. She answered complicated questions and gave her opinions on different topics. She truly earned her job.

"You're really impressive." I smiled at her.

"What do you mean?"

"The way you were able to do all those things... it surprises me."

"It's part of my job, I kinda have to be like this." She chuckled.

"I guess..."

We walked a bit longer to a small restaurant. It was late, we were all hungry and too tired to cook back at the dorm.

"Cheers to (y/n)!" Jackson held up a small shot.

"I don't think we should let Jackson drink." Bambam laughed. "He's kind of a lightweight." Jackson pouted.

"We need to be responsible." (y/n) laughed. "If you can't handle your alcohol, then don't drink. It'll be a pain for me." She rested her head on the table.

She must be really tired...out of a nice gesture, I put my jacket over her.

"Don't fall in love." There was a voice and (y/n) stood up immediately.

"Levi... gosh... it's just you..." she sat back down. "Who would I fall in love with anyway?" She said it kind of coldly.

"I don't know, maybe the one with soft hair and offered you his jacket it."

"Soft hair is soft hair. Levi you have soft hair too and does that mean I love you, no." Levi rolled his eyes at (y/n).

"Who told you?" I asked.

"(Y/n) has to write daily reports and she can't really lie. From what I remember, it only seems like that was really the only incident."

"Levi why're here?"

"You need a night off. I'm here to buy you a drink."

"She doesn't drink." Youngjae smiled.

"We tried to get her to drink one time, but it didn't work." Mark said. Levi thought for a moment.

"Oh yeah... I feel like I remember reading about that." He laughed. "Fine, I guess I'll drink for you too!" He sat at our booth.

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