Part 11

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Levi's POV

"We won't get there in time to stop anything." I sighed. "She's a fighter after all, she'll end up doing something." I sped up.

"We can't afford to loose someone like her." My boss seemed pretty calm.

"It didn't end well the last time this happened."

"No it did not." He ended our conversation with that statement. "Levi stop the car." He pointed out towards the car (y/n) drove. We were quite far, but close enough.

"She's grabbing the gun." I quickly unbuckled and ran out.

I sped up my pace, two shots have been fired. There was a scream. I searched and found that a pale looking dude had drawn and shot (y/n).

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" I ran to her.

"Jaxson!" The pale guy dropped his gun and went to his friend's side.

"How could you shoot her?" I looked at him, with cold dead eyes.

"I was protecting my boyfr-... my friend." He held Jaxson's hand. "We have to put aside this brawl and get these two to the hospital."

"I agree..." I held (y/n) bridal style. Jinyoung walked up to me.

"I c-called the ambulance and they'll be here as soon as p-possible." He was nervous. Heck, who wouldn't be?

"Thank you." I say. The car Mr. Moseby and I drove up in rolled next to us.

"Here..." Moseby threw a large first aid at me. "Do what you can. The ambulance won't get here in time. We'll have to take them now."

"Are we taking them too?" I nodded my head towards the men.

"We can't let them die, but we can tie them up." I nodded.

"Do you have first aid?" I asked them, while wrapping (y/n)'s leg, tightly, with a bandage.

"I may have some back in the van, but I can't leave Jaxson..."

"Hey..." I looked at his eyes. "We won't hurt him. I promise." The guy was so trusting and ran to get his first aid.

"Since Mose and I have in this situation before, we'll help maintain the blood." I began to state the plan after he came back. "We need someone to drive us to the hospital."

"I'll drive." Mark came up to us. Moseby tossed him the keys and he caught them. Moseby walked to Jackson and his friend, and wrapped his leg as well. We checked for more wounds and quickly bandaged them, hoping to stop the bleeding.

"We've got to move." Moseby helped carry Jaxson, while I carried (y/n) bridal style.

"Let's go."

~half way to the hospital~

"What will happen to the car?" Jaebum asks, trying to change the subject.

"We've got people going down to grab them." I stated.

"They ok?" Mark asks from the driver's seat. "Well, despite the fact that they've been shot."

"For now, they are, but later... I don't know." I scanned the car.
"What's your name?" I asked the man we tied up.

"Tommy...." he sighed, staring at his friends.

"Didn't know you were gay Tommy?" He choked and it earned a few dead chuckles.

It was silent once again. (Y/n) was laying on mine and Yugyeom's lap.

"We need another person so (y/n) can rest her head." We tried to find someone who wouldn't mind having an almost dead girl lay on them.

"I-I'll do it." Yugyeom stepped up.

"You sure Gyeom? I can do it." Jaebum volunteers.

"N-no, I need to do this." We all gathered in the car and we lay her head on Yugyeom's lap.

"Remarkable isn't she?" I ask him, while wrapping her with more bandages.

"She is..." I saw a small tear glisten down his cheek. I scanned him. We were sitting in the very back of the van we brought. Mark and Jaebum were in front. Moseby had taken Jackson, Jaxson, Bambam, and Youngjae in (y/n)'s van. We separated the two men, just in case.

"You're a good kid." I smile at him.

"Not good enough..."

"Good enough? Trust me, (y/n) likes you."

"I doubt it, she's all about protocol and you would seem to be more angry if she did like me."

"It's prohibited, but she'll be allowed to date you when we catch all whose been after idols." His face seem to light up.

"That'll be wonderful."

Here we are now. He's running his fingers through her hair and I'm constantly looking out the window.

"Do you think the bleeding stopped?" Yugyeom asks.

"The pocket knife wound, yeah... her bullet wound..." I looked at her leg, if I had wrapped it any tighter, her leg might've fallen off. "I doubt it."

"Does she really like me?" He seemed worried.

"Of course she does, she's been kissed by an idol before. Who wouldn't fall for him by now?" I teased him.

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "It wasn't right of me."

"People make mistakes, I'll let you slide this time." He smiled lightly.

"We're here." Mark drove up to the emergency room entrance. We all ran out, carrying the injured. Yugyeom held (y/n) like I had did before. Moseby rolled up behind us.  Jaebum and Mark helped Jackson.

"We need help now!" We barge into the doors, and the doctors came rushing in immediately.

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