Chapter 4

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As Jah inched closer to the scene his heart was jumping, pounding and racing against his chest. He felt his hands begin to sweat as he closed his eyes tightly wishing that nothing was wrong with Jace. Jah ran closer before a tall, lanky Caucasian cop put his arm out to stop him from coming any closer to the crime scene that was now being covered in caution tape.

"I'm sorry young man but you cannot come any closer. You will have to wait until the investigators and paramedics are done with their jobs."

"Man!" Jah threw up his hands in frustration. "Look I gotta find out if my big brother is good patna', so tell ya people do what they gotta do fast son." Jah spat angrily.

"Yeah ok." The pig retorted with an attitude. He wrote more information on his little notepad before reporting the status of the scene into the handheld transceiver.

Jah stood to the side with a couple other worried family members, friends and plain ol' nosy muthafuckas and watched as NYPD questioned bystanders and club-goers. Jah wiped his hands across his face thinking of the worse case scenario; How would life be with out Jace? Could he survive these nigga-eatin' streets alone? Would Lock stop supplying them cause one of the Duo was missing? Who shot at Jace?

Thoughts raced in and out of Jah's mind before he heard the sounds of more ambulance sirens race up the streets. The pig who spoke to Jah before, approached the group of people.

He cleared his throat, "We are now transporting the surviving victims to Lenox Hill in critical condition, but we will be unraveling the deceased victims to their family members. My condolences in advance." The cop said before walking away to his patrol car.

Investigators began unzipping body bags so the groups of people could see the bodies and so the victims' families can identify the bodies and be faced with reality. Jah wasted no time looking at the five opened body bags, he scanned them thoroughly just to make sure his eyes weren't tricking him. He blew out a big breath noticing that Jaceon's body was not laid on the floor.

Jah's attention quickly shifted to where the paramedics were carrying away three other niggas on stretchers. Jah squinted his eyes to see his brothers' body laid onto one of the them, he quickly made his way over to the female paramedic who stood in front of the stretcher.

"Excuse me ma'm, is he gon' be 'ight?" Jah asked concerned.

"I'm sorry but I cannot discuss the situation of the patient unless you are family." The pretty lady frowned. Jah actually thought she was gorgeous, her curvy shape showed through her uniform and her almond shaped eyes were between hazel and green, her natural hair stopped a little past her shoulders and her lips were perfectly pouty. Any other day he would've put the mack on her but his brother was laid up damn near dying.

Shit. Bad timing, Jah thought.

"Well I'm his blood brother, please ma-- I mean ma'm, I need to know if he's good."

"Well he's in critical condition. We have rush him to the hospital now! Or he'll lose too much blood." The woman climbed the back of the truck, getting help pulling Jace up into the truck.

"Well can I ride wit' y'all?"

"Sure," The woman handed Jah a bag with Jace's ID, drivers license, keys and five g's. "

"Thank you." Jah climbed into the paramedics truck and as soon as he did the doors were closed behind him and the truck sped off. Jah watched as they worked on keeping his brother breathing, it was hard too see his brother so lifeless.

"C'mon Jace. Stay with me man.." Jah sniffed. "I need you, you the only fam I got left.. I need you."

And for the first time in years, Jah said a silence prayer.

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