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I went home and my mom was waiting there for me with George.

Mom came to me and hugged me.
George didn't, he just came, put his hands on my shoulders and said:

" I'm sorry, I didn't know how much I meant for you, and I made a mistake"

I smiled and hugged him.

" please! Don't make the same mistake again!" I whispered.

For weeks we've been like a family and Lucas and George are now friends.
I haven't seen my friends every day.
Till the time that Lucas called me:

Lucas*Hi, Grace, I thought we could go together somewhere I know very well, but if you don't want...
Me* I'll be there.
Lucas* okay, no! I meant I'll be there! At your house! To pick you up.
Me* I'll be waiting.
Lucas* okay.
Me* okay.
Lucas* okay, bye...
Me* bye...

So I was running into my room and took something nice.
One of the cutest dress I've got.

Then I went out and waited for him.
I was waiting and waiting.

At first, he was 3 min. late.
Then, he was 15 min. late.
And then, 30min. late.

When I wanted to enter the house, he came with his motorbike

" you serious? A motorbike?"
I said shocked.

" I'm 17! I can't drive cars... but I though it would be adventurous!"
He said and made a lovely smile.

I smiled and I sat behind him.
He turned and gave me the helmet.

Then he turned on the machine and took a strange direction.

He went to the direction of the forest, it was strange because in the news were saying to stay away from the woods.

When we arrived, he locked the motorbike, grabbed my hand and took me into the forest.

At first I was really scared, but then....I saw the beauty of the colours, and I could see clear.

Then he turned to me, put his hand on my shoulder and said:
" close your eyes"

I was confused, but I trusted him.
I closed my eyes and he put a soft piece of clothes on my face.

Then he grabbed again my hand and took me somewhere.

I was a little bit scared about the road, it was not good for for my type of shoes.

Then he stopped, put his hand around my neck to uncover the eyes and said:
" open your eyes"

I opened them.
I saw a beautiful lake full of colored flowers, I could see a beautiful Japanese white bridge and a beautiful part of the forest.

Everything was perfect.

Then Lucas took out a chest of
pick-nick and something to cover the ground.

We sat and started to eat and laugh.

He started to say some jokes, and I thought that I was going to spit what I had in my mouth.

We were eating some hamburgers, cakes, Fruits and so on...

What will happen in the forest? And why was this forest different from others?
You'll know in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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