Chapter 2 : Will you be my boyfriend?

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Yurio woke up by a call and then tried to get his phone from the table he fell down from the bed because he was being lazy so he stand up and answer the call.

"who is this?" Say it still sleepy "its otabek sorry did I woke you up?" Yurio groans "no its alright is there something you want to tell me?" Yurio asked "I will tell you later meet with me at the park at 10 am"..." Alright then now go to sleep its to early otabek!" Otabek chuckle "alright, alright goodmornight Yuri".

At the park

Yurio was looking for otabek at the park when suddenly someone hugged him behind his back and he saw that it was Viktor and Yuri he pushed them both " what fuck Viktor?!"..."and Yuri" Viktor said smiling "what the hell are you doing here?" Yurio asked " well just walking around here the park that's all" yurio just nods and walks away "well Goodbye have fun I need to find someone" Yuri asked " are you hunting for girls?" Yurio ran towards yuri then kicked him " you idiot NO! Now I really have to go " Viktor waved "Byeeee!".

Yurio saw otabek sitting on the bench so he ran towards him then otabek looked at yurio " I'm..very sorry I'm late " yurio panting "Yuri I really need to tell you Something "... yurio looked at otabek " what is it?" Why did his expression changed? Yurio think "Yuri...dont be shocked from what I'm gonna ask you OK?"..." OK" otabek breathe heavily "will my boyfriend?.." Yurio blushed looking at otabek "y-you're kidding right?".." No.." Otabek looked at him blushing then yurio smiled "well then yes" otabek smiled and then kissed yurio , yurio was blushing while he kissed him back then stop "so are we officially in a relationship ?" Yurio asked "yes" otabek replayed then smile "is it alright if they knew ?" Otabek asked "who cares its our decision anyway right ?" Yurio and otabek smiled at each other "I love you Yuri "..." I love you too otabek".

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