Chapter Seven

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Shadeflower stretched her legs. She was leading the sun high patrol today. She was enjoying life as a warrior. And so was Oakbriar.

"Who are you taking on the patrol?" Oakbriar asked her sister. Shadeflower shrugged.

    "Probably Mistyflame, Stormfall Ravenfeather, and Mudpelt." Shadeflower meowed.

    "Of course you're asking Stormfall" Oakbriar rolled her eyes. Shadeflower scoffed.

    "What's that supposed to mean?" Shadeflower asked. It had been at least two moons since they became warriors. Sure, Stormfall and her were spending a lot of time together, but She was new to being a warrior and he was her mentor.

    "Nothing, I guess. You just spend so much time together." Oakbriar meowed, sitting down. "Though you should probably go get your patrol around. It's almost sunhigh." Shadeflower let her tail fall at Oakbriar's words. She backed up a little and turned to go organize her patrol.

    "You ready?" Badgerclaw asked her, and she nodded. Shadeflower looked out at the camp and she took in a deep breath.

    "Mistyflame, Stormfall, Ravenfeather, and Mudpelt! Time for the sunhigh patrol!" Shadeflower yowled. The cats in the camp looked up and nodded. Featherpaw and Robinpaw looked up. Echofoot and her kits were out of the nursery. Silvershine's kit was following Aspenberry around. Mistyflame bounded over to Shadeflower. Mudpelt trudged over. Stormfall eagerly went to her side. Ravenfeather gave a longing glaze at Rowanpetal and then went over to the patrol.

    "Why does Shadeflower get to lead the patrol." Mudpelt grumbled to himself. Mistyflame put her tail at his mouth.

    "Hush!" Mistyflame meowed. "Badgerclaw chose her, so respect his decision." She meowed. Shadeflower sighed.

    "Cmon. Let's go patrol the ThunderClan border again." Shadeflower meowed in a confident voice.

    "Didn't we already do that?" Ravenfeather asked. Shadeflower nodded.

    "Yes, but it doesn't hurt to check it again." She meowed. With that she led the way out of the camp, the others following behind. Stormfall walked next to Shadeflower. She looked at him and smiled, with a purr. He returned the purr and blinked slowly. She smiled.

    "Hey, Ravenfeather, are you and Rowanpetal going to be mates?" Mudpelt asked the other tom. Ravenfeather shrugged in response.

    "I don't know. I would like to." Ravenfeather replied. Shadeflower couldn't help but smile. She hoped the two would become mates.

    "Hey, Shadeflower!! Mistyflame meowed, running to catch up. "I caught a mouse!" Shadeflower nodded.

    "We can take it back later." Stormfall spoke up.


    They reached the Thunderclan border. There was no activity, but they kept a close eyes ever since the battle two moons ago. The cats remarked the scent markers and then they returned to camp. The gathering was tonight. And Shadeflower would be going. She was honored to be chosen to go.

    "Shadeflower?" Stormfall asked her, while they had some prey. Shadeflower looked up from her squirrel.


    "How are you doing?" He asked with a head tilt. She blinked a couple of times.

    "Okay, I guess." Shadeflower said, sounding a bit unsure. She couldn't tell him about the prophecies. There was no way. Aspenberry had spoken to Starclan, and they said the same thing Aspenberry had.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now