part 2

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At night all went to their respective houses.
In malhotra mansion..........

Mukthi:Dad you know today cabir bhai frightened our lecturer.


Manik:Dad actually trilok is new to our clg  and he don't know about us.He became serious on cabir.And you about cabir na.....

Neyo:Ya we know him and we can imagine what had happened there?

Raj:Yes and this cabir na he will never change.

Neyo:Ok come let's have dinner.

Manik:Ok mom.

At dining table they were enjoying  their family time.Suddenly manik's mobile gives a notification of new message.

Mukthi:Dad look at Mani he is chatting at dining table too.Eating time is family time naa

Manik:Yes baba.I don't know I got a message from new number that's it.I am not opening the message Ok.

Raj:That's good.Talk to him/her after dinner.

Neyo:Yes Mani eat now.

After dinner
Raj:Neyo come I am feeling sleepy😪.

Manik:If you are sleepy go and sleep dad we want mom with us for sometime.

Raj:No Mani she is my darling.I will take her with me whenever i  want.

Mukthi:Dad you are sooo  romantic na.

Neyo blushes and raj laughed

Manik:Ha and when you were young you must be very Romantic than this na dad...

Neyo:Stop it mani......

Mukthi:Ha mom tell me how romantic dad was...

Neyo:I am sleepy good night guys and she went from there.

Raj:You guys na.Ok good night.

Manik & mukthi: Good night dad we love you 😍😘.

Raj:We also luv you both .

After he went.......

Mukthi:Bhai let's go to our favourite place.

And they went to terrace.....

Mukthi:Mani you love stars from your childhood na.

Manik:Yes i don't know why but i  am fantasized by them.

Mukthi:Yes Mani like I love moon.


They both lied on the terrace and just enjoying the nature.

Mukthi:Bhai whose message was that

Manik:Ya i  forgot about it.Let me check it first.

And he checks his mobile.

Text:Hiiii baby 😍.

Manik:I thinks its her

Mukthi:Not again bhai .......Show me message.

Mukthi sees the message and

Mukthi:Bhai why don't this girl just understand.

Manik:ya mukku  even i changed my number but still she manages to get it.

Mukthi:Bhai let me handle this🙅.

Manik:No mukku we have to handle it smoothly.

Mukthi:Argh..Ok but if will see her again I will break her bones definetly.

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