Chapter Two

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    ((hi I'm sorry if this chapter has some grammar issues idk if i got them all but I was in a rush with homework and everything but thank you for reading! xo))

Art was boring other than of course having the cute boy next to me which I learned from paying attention to attendance was named Shawn. He smiled at me a couple times and I just felt my cheeks heat and had a stupid smile on my face. It was when I walked into English class and I saw him, and I was put of course right in front of him. 

      "I think you left something today.." a voice from behind me says automatically knowing it was him cute boy--Shawn I mean. I got embarrassed and turned to ask "What?" "You left your sketch book in art." He says grabbing my notebook out of his black backpack.

    "Oh, thank you." I said taking it from his hand reaching it out to me. "Are you new here or something you came kind of late to class." I swallowed the lump in my throat and combed my hair behind my ear nervously. "Yeah, its-its my first day." "Oh that's sucks, hey um I think I saw you walking to school was that you?" "Oh um yeah" I smile awkwardly remember staring back at him. "Well you went the long way there's a short cut I could show you if you want."

     A short-cut? No wonder he disappeared on me well I thought he did. "Yeah, that would be really nice." "Ok cool, meet me at the flag pole?, we could walk together if you want." I tugged the other side of my hair behind my ear and my nerves panicked. We would be together what will i say or do I wouldn't know and I don't wanna be in that position. I'm never in that position.

   "Actually I'm kinda getting a ride home." I start backing away throwing my backpack on my shoulder. "Maybe another time?" I fast walked out of class and I didn't even know where I was going i just dashed down the hall hopefully finding a bathroom, and I did. I walked it smoothly and bumped into a girl, my bag dropping on the floor. "I'm so sorry I should've been watching my way." she says bending down to help me pick up my sketch book she had ombre hair (brown at the top and blondish at the bottom) and leggings with a sweater top. "It's fine, I walked in too fast." I say getting up. "I'm Riley, by the way"  she says handing my my notebook. "Savanna." I said reaching my notebook out of her hand. "You're knew here aren't you?" "Yeah you're in my 3rd period Science I think." "Really? Mrs.Larsan?" "Yeah, weird isn't she." I nod laughing wrong day to show up on a first day of school as she was almost taking out her cats "waste" to show us.. .well first days aren't so bad.... maybe.

  We were walking out of the bathroom towards the cafeteria. When of course now with the drill I know where to sit at lunch. You always sit at table with people in it, to not draw attention to you by yourself but not talk to anyone at the table. This worked really great for the my school #4 so I keep going by that.

We walk in the cafeteria together talking about the band on my shirt and saying her friend really really likes that band. When I feel that I should look around for a place to sit. "Well, bye. Nice meeting you!" I say smiling. "Wait, do you have somewhere to sit.?" She asks politely and nicely. I didn't wanna say anything else but didn't wanna say no but who cares its my first day of school plus Riley seemed nice. "No, not really." She reaches for my arm and pulls me "Well then where are you going? C'mon!" I laugh and walk with her and I see Shawn at a table in the same direction Riley's pulling me. Oh God please don't be the same table please I think to myself. She pulls me to the table right behind his and he see's me looking at him and nods at me. Oh God.

Nothing you know more about me is nods. I completly look so stupid doing a head nod back to someone. I look like I'm having a spazz but thanks to my quick thinking I give him a small wave a smile but not too big without my teeth meaning. And his face cracked to a smile. I sat down not knowing Riley was talking to me.

"Savanna, hello--" "oooo Savanna's throwing giggly eyes at Shawn." What I said snapping out of it and seeing I've sat down at a table with a girl in front of me. "Oh my God Shawn Mendes? I heard he sold weed to and used the money to get the piercing on his lip." a girl at the table whispers. "I'm Stacy by the way" she smiles. She has brown hair shoulder length and black glasses small petite girl.

Next a girl with a cartilage piercing which grabs my attention first about her then her pitch black hair which you can tell was dyed but her natural waves was till shown in her hair. "Hey, Jackie" Stacey says. "Sup, lil cheek". Stacey shakes her head and looks at me staring. "She calls me a cheek because she thinks I need to live life and stop being AND I quote nerd which I just think is being smart on my behalf and stop being a butt cheek." I laugh and smile "You're joking." I say. "I wish" she quietly Stacey says.

"Hey do you have a dollar?" a boy sits next to Stacey asking her. "No Issac, i purposely don't bring money anymore so I have nothing to give you when you ask." And he laughs at her. He has soft curly blonde hair and green blue eyes like a nice teal color. And he's wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt which reminds me of a member of one of my favorite bands, but I'm too shy to tell him I like his shirt. Looking at his shirt he turns to look at me and looks a bit surprised.

 "Hey hands off Issac she's my friend no liking." Riley says. He laughs and shakes his head "Shut up, Riley". Next a girl with a cartilage piercing which grabs my attention first about her then her pitch black hair which you can tell was dyed but her natural waves was till shown in her hair. "Hey, Jackie" Stacey says. "Sup, lil cheek". Stacey shakes her head and looks at me staring.

"Who is she anyway." Jackie looks up eyeing me up and down, and I begin feeling uncomfortable and intimidated"This is Savanna we have science together and she's new so I told her she can sit with us." I feel Issac's eyes on my chest and I'm not sure if it's my shirt or my chest..

"Issac stop staring at Savnna's boobs. Damn I can't have a friend at this table you wanna steal." She laughs right after she says that and I feel my cheeks heat fast and i look down towards my lap. Issac loses words for a moment and regains hiself. "Actually I was going to tell her i like her shirt meaning he shirt not anything else." Turning towards me "You listen?" I look up to make sure he's talking to me. "Yeah." I say nodding my head still feeling my checks warm. "Whats your favorite song?" "Dammit, whats yours?" I ask curiously. "Same actually." he looks over at Riley and she rolls her eyes. "You know it's my favorite song so don't you even think about saying anything." he smiles looking at her. "I like your shirt too by the way" I say looking at it again.

 "You like my boobs too?" he says smiling I shake my head and cover my face with my hand. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Thanks." he laughs. "You listen to them too?" he looks at me curiously. "I listen to their songs in a track I don't really listen listen to them. I only know about them from another band I know." I try to explain. He nods like he understands and gets up "Well I'm getting lunch before there is none left." he turns and walks away.

The rest of lunch was okay I decided not to get lunch seeing it really didn't look appetizing when Issac mounded his spicy chicken sandwich which it looked nothing like. But bought myself fruit snacks, juice and a bag of chips from the vending machine. Turned out Issac and I had math together so we walked in and said one of the actual classes he understands and the teachers cool and we don't have assigned seats. I sat next to Issac and he threw eraser balls at my head and got me in trouble for laughing. Other than that I Jack texted me to wait for him by the flagpole and he would pick me up after he took the car out of park. I texted him ok and when the bell rung I waited for Jack when I saw Shawn walking towards me.. Oh crap, I hoped Jack came in time so I would have enough time to wave to Shawn but not talk for being really embarrassing and weird when he asked to walk home with me. And right on time Jacks blue car pulled up and I hoped in the passengers side. But not before seeing him wave to a blonde senior, which I guess isn't bad since he is a senior too. At least not as bad when he dated the freshman last year when he was a junior.. that was another story.

 "Who was that guy waving to you?" I turned my head toward him also pulling my phone out of my pocket "You mean Shawn?" He nodded looking towards the road. "Just a guy I saw him walking to school this morning when I forgot you had the car and I went the long way he told me there's a short-cut." I say. "Oh." is all he said. "What?"

 "Nothing. Never mind."

I thought it was kinda weird he asked me about him in the first plae but I shrugged it off and slipped my earphones in and sat back.

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