1. Cousin

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Santana was laid in bed attempting to have a lie in, after all it was Saturday. Though of course someone had other plans – for the last half an hour someone had been repeatedly calling her. Finally Santana decided to lean over and grab her phone, ready to go all Lima Heights on whoever it was calling.

"What is it?" Santana asked, instead of the usual hello, not even bothering to check the caller id.

"Blaine, Kurt, Artie and I were wondering if you would want to join us-" Rachel began, but Santana interrupted.

"I'm not going." Santana said quickly.

"To Dalton Academy." Rachel finished.

"Why would I do that?" Santana asked curiously, though already she was getting changed into her Cheerio's uniform. Well she was thinking of seeing Brit later anyway.

"Because I know you, you like snooping." Rachel said seriously, though Santana still laughed.

"Fine, I'll meet you there." And with that Santana hung up the phone. Of course she would go with them, but not just because she liked snooping on the competition. Another reason she would go is that her mother wanted her to drop something off for her cousin Jeff, but of course Santana had been putting it off all week.

Eventually parking her car in the Dalton Academy 'private' car park, not that Santana took much notice. "Santana!" She heard Kurt yell as she got out the car, sighing to herself she put on a fake smile and made her way over to them.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up so early." She said not even bothering to fake a smile anymore. She really wasn't a morning person. Before anyone could even answer her they made their way down the halls trying to find the Warblers. Which was a pretty easy task to do considering they were already singing.

Walking into the Warbler's 'den' Santana looked around curiously before attempting to find her cousin in the group – to say he had bright blonde hair it was harder than she thought to find Jeff. She was only brought out of her thoughts as she heard Rachel muttering something into her ear, not that she listened to it.

"So what do you think?" 5 words coming from Sebastian Smythe which made Santana think for a while. What did she think? She thought they sounded amazing and that the New Directions would be screwed if they didn't improve. "And what did you think, Sha-Queera"

Slowly Santana looked up at Sebastian and raised her brow slowly at him. "I thought you sucked." She lied. "If that's the best you've got then I'll wipe the floor at regional's with your Disney prince haircut."

Sebastian opened his mouth to say something, but soon decided against it and instead shook his head. "Come on Santana." Kurt said as the rest of the group turned about to leave.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." Santana said with a shrug.

They flashed her a questionable look before deciding to just leave anyway. Santana was just thankful no one asked her why. Not that she would have a problem with people knowing she had a Warbler as a family member. But she didn't suddenly feel like being used to spy on them.

"And you're staying why?" Sebastian asked Santana curiously.

She just rolled her eyes at him. "Jeff." She said simply. Clearly not about to go into more detail with him over it.

"Ah, are you two a thing?" Sebastian asked with a smirk before turning to Jeff awaiting an answer.

"Shut up, Sebastian." Jeff muttered before walking past Sebastian and over towards Santana.

Santana was finding it hard to bite her tongue, with every smirk flashed her way from Sebastian was just pissing her off even more and he definitely knew it. She disliked him and she hated the fact that she couldn't hate him. Something she blamed Jeff for, 'he isn't that bad when you get to know him' the blonde always said to her whenever she'd go off ranting to him. So far his words seem to be nothing but a lie.

"What is it Santana?" Jeff asked in a rushed tone, something not usual for him.

She guessed it was because the Warblers were still with them, now she could do two things here. Be nice and hurry or be not so nice and more than likely annoy him. "What's got you so rattled up?" She asked curiously, already well knowing the answer.

"Santana." Jeff said slowly.

Okay, now that was enough to make Santana's decision. "Mamma told me to bring you these." She said in the loudest yet sarcastic tone of voice she could think of before passing the large brown bag over to the now red faced Warbler. "And she told me to invite you for tea." With that a few Warblers let out a laugh – including Sebastian who was watching with interest.

"I don't think-" Jeff began but got cut off.

"If you want to keep that precious uniform of yours I would suggest doing as she wants." Santana tried saying innocently but the hint of her willing to burn it just for fun was taking the innocence away from her words.

"Fine." Jeff said slowly before looking up at Sebastian who was still laughing. The sparkle now in Jeff's eyes were enough to tell that he was now up to no good. "But Sebastian comes with me." And then the room went silent. Both Santana and Sebastian now glaring at the smirking blonde.

"You know what." Santana said slowly breaking the silence. "I will enjoy burning everything you love tonight." And without any further warning Santana and Sebastian both went for him at the same time, pushing him out of the room by his shoulders.

"Jeff." Sebastian began slowly once he directed both Jeff and Santana into an empty dim lit classroom.

"Would you want to be in a room with Santana alone, you would not have needed to bring me here." Jeff said with a smirk, causing Sebastian to glare at the blonde even more.

"Jeff." Santana began. "Sweetie." She added. "Most annoying person in the world." She said just before grabbing his tie and pulling him down slightly – though not enough to choke him.

"Why do you want me going?" Sebastian asked stepping away from Santana and Jeff.

"Have you met Santana's mother? I don't want to sit around listening to them arguing over-" Jeff began but got lightly kicked in the leg. "Moral support?"

"Ask Nick?" Sebastian asked almost sounding helpless. Never had the pair heard him like that and in any other situation Santana would laugh.

"He would enjoy it too much." Jeff said with a shrug.

Santana now let him go and leaned on a table. Tilting her head to the side slightly instead of tuning into their conversation, she was now thinking of ways to get her cousin back for now 'inviting' Sebastian around to her house for dinner where they would have to be civil and pretend to be 'friends'.

"Now I have class, bye." And before either of them could stop him Jeff had literally ran out of the room and now down the hall. Neither Sebastian or Santana being bothered to catch him.

"How to get back at him.." Santana said slowly.

"What?" Sebastian asked confused. He wasn't going; he couldn't be forced to go. Especially not with someone who he actually wasn't friends with to someone who he didn't like's house to sit down with her mother and talk over dinner. Nope, not going to happen one bit.

"Would I burn his stuff he'd be momentarily mad at me." She said with a shrug. "Would I trash his room he would just clean it again." She added before smirking. "Can you get spy cameras online? Ah, the things I could do with one."

For a moment Sebastian just stared at Santana. He imagined her to be a boring person to be around who just pretends to be a bitch to stand out from the rest of her pathetic Glee club. Now Sebastian was surprised that was not the case. "I'm more than sure that would be an invasion of privacy and he could sue."

Santana nodded slowly, still thinking of things to do to her cousin. "I could dump kittens on him, he's allergic."

"Would you really want to do that to your brother?" He asked.

"Cousin." She added before crossing her arms.

"Right." He said slowly before making his way to the door. "I'm just gonna go." And with that he was gone. Santana followed shortly, though instead of going to see Brit like she planned she instead drove straight home and stayed in her bedroom all day still thinking of plans to get Jeff with.

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