9. Devil in a red dress

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A few weeks had past since everyone sang their love songs. Everyone in the New Directions were now used to the Warblers being with them – even though Kurt and Rachel still didn't agree with it – and we're being civil with them. Santana had broken up with Brittany and she went back to dating Artie. Something which still confused the Latina though she never said a word to anyone about it.

Sebastian was still trying to get Santana's attention. When being nice didn't work he tried teasing her over it, though that didn't work either. He was almost running out of ideas by the time there was just a week to practice for their competition – sectionals.

Santana kept mostly to herself, though occasionally she would wander around with Quinn or tag along with Jeff and Nick whenever they went to the Lima Bean for coffee. But aside from that she spent most of her time alone in her apartment. She wasn't avoiding people on purpose, she was just confused. Sebastian was confusing her, Brittany was confusing her, just about everyone else was confusing her by changing their set list for sectionals every two days. She needed some time to think – not that it really worked.

"Devil in a red dress." Kurt said with a smirk as Santana walked through the doors to the choir room in a short red dress. "Perfect. And it's totally appropriate for your personality." Kurt added, now crossing his arms.

Santana rolled her eyes at him, though she didn't bother saying anything. She headed to her usual seat in the corner, which was now surrounded by the Warblers. That didn't bother her much though seen as Brittany or Quinn usually sat with her.

Usually, but for once they didn't. Instead they sat at the other side of the room away from her. Brittany next to Artie and Quinn next to Finn. For a short moment Santana debated with herself whether to go and sit next to either of them, but she ultimately decided against it. If they didn't want to sit with her then fine, it wasn't like she was desperate to sit next to either of them either.

"I see why he always calls you Satan now." A familiar voice said with an amused smirk as he sat down next to her on the chair that would usually be where Brittany or Quinn sat.

Santana rolled her eyes. "I see why he calls you 'The Criminal Chipmunk.'" Santana paused. "I almost feel sorry for you."

Sebastian chuckled, discreetly moving his chair closer to Santana while everyone else was busy changing the set list yet again. "Would you feel sorry for me, you wouldn't be ignoring me."

"Feeling lonely are you, Fievel?" Santana asked with a smirk.

For a short moment Sebastian just watched Santana. He did miss her, yes. But he wasn't going to mention that now. "Why would I be lonely?" He asked with his brow raised slightly.

Santana rolled her eyes at him before crossing her leg, causing her dress to move up slightly.

"You know what I think?" Sebastian asked in a whisper.

Santana raised her brow at him for a moment. "Your brain actually does that?" She asked surprised.

Sebastian flashed a glare her way before deciding to continue. "You miss me."

Santana didn't quite know how to react to that. She did miss him, more than she should. She missed his smile, she missed his annoying smirk, she even missed laying beside him and having his arms wrapped around her. Her list of things she missed about Sebastian could go on for a while but she refused to get lost in those thoughts much more. She was still confused to why she had those thoughts.

As soon as the club had come to an end, Santana was the first one out of the room. She quickly walked through the halls and out the door. Her car had run out of petrol so she had to walk home for once. She much preferred driving home.

"Santana." Sebastian's voice called from behind her as she walked through the car park, though she didn't want for him. "Santana!" He yelled this time, now jogging to catch up with her.

"What do you want Sebastian?" Santana asked, still walking.

"Can you do me a favour?" He asked her with his brow raised slightly.

"What for?" Santana asked curiously.

For a moment Sebastian thought over his words, he would get Santana agree and when she did he would have succeeded in getting her attention. But Santana was unpredictable and could always force him to think of another plan, he wouldn't put it past her.

"Teach me how to dance."

Santana laughed. "Aren't you Warblers always dancing?"

"Yes but not.." He paused. "In a 'classical' way."

At the word 'classical' reached her ears Santana couldn't help but to once again just laugh at him. "Why ask me for help?"

"You're the best dancer I know." Sebastian said with a smile. At least he was honest with her, she really was the best dancer he knew.

Santana waited a few minutes before answering him. "Why do you want to learn to dance anyway?"

Sebastian smirked at the Latina. "I have a date."

Once again Santana was speechless for a few heart beats. She would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous. "Why don't you ask your date for help then?"

Sebastian smirked again as he noticed her reaction to him having a date. Little did she know this was his plan to get her to speak to him. "I want to surprise my date."

Santana rolled her eyes at him before hissing an almost un-hear able "Fine."

Sebastian smirked the rest of the way to Dalton once he walked Santana home, being the nice guy that he was. Well, he was at least nice to Santana. He didn't care how he acted towards anyone else since he didn't care about their opinions. Though the more he found himself thinking over his plan and his date, hoping that they would go how he planned it to and not turn out to be totally disastrous.

Santana didn't even know why she agreed to help Sebastian. He seemed to be the type to be able to do things on his own without help. Plus he had a date who could help him practice. Well, she doubted his date would be any wiser to know what he was doing if he asked to dance with them. She sighed as she just laid out on her sofa, lazily turning the tv on though she didn't spend much time watching it. She was once again too lost in her thoughts of Sebastian and why she was helping him. Why she even cared. But every answer she came up with she knew was a lie.

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