6. Revenge

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"I don't see why we had to meet here." Santana said sitting on the stage, her question directed to Kurt. "We could have just gone to the cops. I have the evidence."

"Because it won't do much." Kurt said with a sigh. "Besides it will be fun to beat him at sectionals."

Santana just rolled her eyes. She went and got evidence to use against Sebastian to get him jailed or even kicked out of that oh so special school of his. But no. Kurt here made everything un-worth it and she wasted her time on questioning him. Though before she could say anything else to Kurt or try and get him to even change his mind, the Warblers walked through the door to the auditorium. Instantly Santana stood up and raised her brow at Kurt.

"What do you want?" Sebastian asked sarcastically. "And hurry it up, I hate the smell of public schools."

Before Santana could even give Sebastian a piece of her mind while she waved the recording of him admitting everything in his face, the New Directions of course had to burst out in song. 'Black and white', Santana didn't join in with them though. No, instead she just stood there watching and rolling her eyes. They had the evidence. They could go straight to threatening him. But no. They decide to sing about it. The only thing she did join in on was a small bit of dancing, but even then that was only because Jeff jumped up on the stage with her and practically made her dance.

The sarcastic clapping of Sebastian, the only Warbler still in his seat, said it all. "This is exactly the kind of attitude which lost us sectionals last year."

"Give it up Sebastian." Nick said with a sigh.

"We have evidence of you admitting everything." Santana piped up, gaining a disapproving look from Kurt but a smirk from Jeff who still had his arm around Santana's shoulders. "I could call the cops or even your headmaster." She added.

Sebastian just stared at Santana as she showed him the tape. Typical Santana, he should have known that she wouldn't have just turned up asking questions empty handed. Actually he was almost impressed. Almost. "But we won't." Kurt said.

Santana once again rolled her eyes at Kurt. "Okay so if Lady Hummel taped this to his junk, we'd hear about it for weeks." She muttered more to herself than anyone else, but it still made Jeff laugh. To say it annoyed Santana that she had the tape in her hands but they didn't want to use it would be an understatement.

"Beating them at sectionals won't be as fun if he isn't there." Kurt added.

"Fine." Santana muttered before jumping down off the stage and handing the tape over to Sebastian, but not without flashing a glare his way.

"Santana." Rachel said almost so quiet that no one heard her. "I'm sorry for what I said, would you like to-"

"No." Santana said before Rachel could even finish Santana had made up her mind, still she was glaring at Sebastian though. "If you want me back, Dwarf, you'll have to do better than that." She spat before just walking out of the auditorium.

"Now get out of our auditorium." Artie said to Sebastian breaking the silence after Santana had walked out. Sebastian didn't even bother saying anything, he just left putting the tape into his pocket.

Though what he was not expecting was that as soon as he walked out of the school doors, he would be covered in a Slushie. For a moment Sebastian didn't know how to react so he just stood there with his mouth open somewhat speechless and in shock. "I admit, I added something into that." The voice of Santana Lopez said calmly. He should have known it would have been here to do such a thing. He couldn't say he blamed her though, after all he did do it to her.

"What?" Sebastian eventually managed to ask.

"Red wine." Santana said with a smirk. "Harmless but.. Leaves a stain." She added with a wink flashed his way. "Good luck getting the stain out of your shirt." And just like that she carried on walking.

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