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             Hellbent gets back to his house and then goes into the over grown woods behind his home. He follows a few paths and trails slowly making his way deeper and deeper into the nearly pitch back forest with a simple flashlight to light his way. After hours of what seemed endless searching in the woods Hellbent heads back to his house. Once there he flops on the couch and glances at the time '4:00 AM'. He rubs his eyes then makes his way to his warm bed waiting in his room.

He wakes up to his alarm clock then screaming at him then climes out of bed. He throws on his coat then walks out the front door lighting a cigarette. After some walking he finds himself at one of his favorite spots under a shady tree. He settles himself in lighting another cigarette.

A hot sensation rips Hellbent from from his peaceful snooze and brings him crashing back to reality. He swiftly spits the hot thing from his mouth mumbling "Shit!" He sighs and smashes out the small object. "Stupid fucking cigarette." He grumbles under his breath. "The hell?!" He yells checking all his pockets. He stops, hearing soft rustling from behind the tree he was leaning on. He cosishaly glances behind it, then slumps his shoulders at the sight of a giggling girl. He positions himself next to her arms crossed glaring down at the small troublemaker. The laughter cuts off and she slowly looks up at the leering demon.

"Should I run or will that plan fail again?" Her worried voice asks. Hellbent emits a deep growl that fills the calm air as he extends his open hand awaiting his belongings. He stands there waiting as the girls stands staring at the froshes man.

"I have to do a recording soon and I would like my things back, know hand them over!" He growls under his breath. Sleep once again pulling at him. (Y/N) Swiftly drops his stuff in his palm and robot walks away. Hellbent watches the speedy girl stiffly make her way away from him. He laughs a little at her panic as he sits back under his tree.

"Silly girl scars easy."

...In a land far away. A Hellbent story.Where stories live. Discover now