Ben's jealousy

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Tears of joy welled up in my eyes "OH MY GOD" I screeched "YES!!!" Jeff smiled as he slipped the ring on my finger "I love you so much Jeffy bear~" I said hugging him tightly causing him to chuckle lightly "you are too cute sometimes" he said hugging back "which is good because I like it when you're cute" I giggled and ran downstairs to tell Slendy the great news "That's great (y/n)" he said happily after I told him "can you tell the others for me?" I asked "I gotta go do something" "of course child" he said back "go do what you need to do" with that I ran outside and texted my friend (b/F/n) the good news "OMG!" She texted back "that's great" "I know right?!?" I spammed "Gotta go tho text you tomorrow" just then BEN came on my phone "so your getting married to Jeff?" He asked "Ben get out of my phone" I said getting a bit frustrated "answer my question" he said trying to stay calm "Ya I am" I said concerned "Ben are you ok?" "I-I'm fine" he said "I'll get off your phone now" huh Ben's never acted like this. Wonder what wrong. I run back inside to see Toby jumping up and down "CONGRATS (Y/N)!!!!!" He said excited "Ya...." Ben said with a sad look on his face "congrats..." He walked off to his room
Ben's POV
Ugh why does that ass-hole always get the girl. I love her. With all my heart. The way she smiles. How she loves video games and how kind she is to everyone even though we kill people. Jeff more than anyone. Wait am I? Jealous?

Lol cliff hanger sorry see ya

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