The Choice: Ben

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Ok. So. I know its been a whule since ive updated but heres le Benny boy
(Ur pov)
"S-slendy?" I asked kinda nervous "yes my child" he replies in a calm voice "W-what if i told you I chose B-Ben?" "Go ahead child. I wont care as long as you're  happy" with that i text Ben my heart beating out of my chest "Ben.. i love you too... i really do"
(Le benny boo's pov)
Omg (Y/n) just texted back... i look at my phone and i covered my mouth in shock. She... she feels the same way. I could nit discribe how happy i am. But as soon as Jeff looked at my phone... i could feel the knives going through my soul... "what?!" He yelled "She's leaving me for you?!?" Just then (Y/n) ran in and hugged me tight. Im glad slenderp did something to make me taller. I quickly gave her a kiss and set off to have a great life with tge one i love..
~le time skip a few years later~
Omg... i cant believe it.. todays the day... we're getting married. Jeff didnt want to come tho... sadly.. he was gonna be my best man but here she comes. She looks... wow... i cant discribe how great she looks. The elagance in her figure...  the pep in her step.. she just looks... wow.. i cant believe that im getting married to the best woman in the world
That all folks! Vut tge storys nit done i still need to make a lamon for the people who chose Jeff! Welp hope you guys enjoyed

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