Chapter 1: Nestling In

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Morning... 11:30 AM

August 24, 2013

I carefully open my eyes to a subtle rustling sound in the room. The sound had no specific noise that I could pick out. Which made me even more uneasy.

I look over to see no trace of Carolynn. Just and empty sweater-pillow concoction. So the noise must be Carolynn.

Quickly I rose my head up to see her looking through the graphic sweaters. Checking every tag and feeling the delicate fabric to tell which one was more of quality.

She glanced over and saw me, and a sweet, peaceful smile appeared on her face.

"Good morning Sora, sleep well?" She sincerely questioned and then looked back at the rack of sweaters.

"What's your shirt size?" She spoke again, eyeing a sweater that seemed to fancy her.

"Medium I think?" I replied quickly and her smile seemed to brighten even more.

"Puuurrrrfect." She shortly giggled in return. And she grabbed the sweater.

'She's the stylish one then?'

Hello mind. I guess you're awake now too.

"How does it look?" Carolynn asked.

I looked up to see what she had hanging in both of her hands.

It was an outfit she had picked out. It was a black sweater with a red and white striped peppermint on it and white jeans then a red beanie tied it all together.

I absolutely loved it. It was so modern. So...Chic.

"Go try it on Sora. If you want." Her eyes were soft and gentle. She was so mentally stable that it almost frightened me.

I got up and wiped the sleep from my eyes walking over to grab the outfit.

A few minutes after...

I walked out and looked at Carolynn as she immediately started judging me.

'Don't worry Sora. You look beautiful.'

My conscience told me. All I could do was crack a faint smile from the compliment.

"You look edgy. I like it!" Carolynn squeaked and I smiled even brighter. Life got a little easier right now. It was like all this stress and anxiety was dusted off my shoulder, leaving only the empty space where it had nestled in my brain. Then my stomach growled.

"I'm starving," I mumbled under my warm breath. And I placed my hand on my stomach that was rumbling faintly.

"I'm quite hungry also, Sora." Carolynn agreed and I looked up at her.

"I guess I'll go get some breakfast?" I suggested and she quickly nodded in a quick reply. Carolynn walked back to the jean racks.

'Cherish her. Before she becomes useless.' The voice tormented.

Later that morning...

I walked down to the first floor and looked around for some kind of food. There were Chinese restaurants , Taco Bells© , and some sand which stores, but we need food that hasn't gone bad already.

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