Bagging and Calling

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Amelia paced outside the tent, watching the police lights flash. Two paramedics came out with a body bag. Pacifica was talking to Durland, while Gideon was calling his dad.

"No prints at all." Bulbs said, walking up to the teenager.

"Was she..."

"Huh? What?" The sheriff said.

"Was she violated?"

"Oh! No. But, from the knife work, it looks like the same person that did your eye in."

"Do we have to call it that?" Amelia asked, touching her eyepatch. She frowned. "I don't know how somebody could've done this."

"Well, they stabbed her and-"

"No!" She glared at the tent. "Ask anyone. We all saw her alive a minute before the body was found. There was no way somebody could do all that," She gestured to the bag. "And hang it up without a longer time and without us noticing."

Blubs sighed. "I don't know. But clearly, somebody doesn't want you to look."

Amelia aimed a glare at him.


Blubs ended up giving her a ride. He dropped her off in front of the dark Shack, driving away when she reached the door. Amelia rolled her eyes as she entered the kitchen. A note sat on the table.

Dear Amelia,

Stan shoplifted fireworks again, so we're going to hang out somewhere until the police stop looking for us. Your demon said he had 'business' in the Mindscape.

So, please don't burn the house down.

From, Ford.

"Geeze, you melt three plates and nobody trusts you." Amelia mumbled. She looked around nervously, her old claustrophobia closing in.

The TV was quickly turned on, filling up the void of sound. Soon, Amelia was sobbing at The Duchess Approves. A tub of ice cream sat next to the remains of her pasta.

"I may be a duchess, but I'm also a woman!"

"It's just like my life. In a way." Amelia said, calming. The phone rang. She frowned and answered it. "Oh, hello?"

"Amelia! We need you!" Gideon yelled on the other end.

She sat up with a frown. "What happened?"

"Pacifica went to a party and ran off into the woods drunk! I think she'll come if it's you yelling for her."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

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