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It had been four months since Waterloo Road had moved to Scotland. Megan was loving it. It was a new start for her.

Megan woke that morning and saw Poppy asleep in the cot. She stood and went over to check on her. "Morning princess."
Poppy was now a one year old girl. She was so cheeky. Megan adored her daughter so much.

Poppy pouted as she woke up.
"Don't be grumpy with mummy," Megan said. Poppy giggled and lifted up her arms for Megan. Megan lifted her up and took her downstairs.

Claire was up making breakfast.
"Food! Now!" Poppy squealed. Claire gave her a small piece of bacon. Poppy ate it up.
"That's my gorgeous girl," Megan said. Poppy kissed Megan's cheek with greasy lips from the bacon.

Megan wiped away the greasy lips. She put Poppy into her highchair. Megan sat down. Claire gave her breakfast.

When Megan had eaten, she went to get dressed for school. She put on the sexiest school uniform. She had someone to impress.

Claire took Megan to school. "Don't cause any trouble missy."
"Would I?"
"Yes," Claire said with a smile. Megan grinned.
"Look after Poppy for me," Megan said.
"I will."

Megan walked into the school. Max was standing outside and looked at Megan. He felt himself reacting to her uniform. Birdie went over to her.
"Max is staring," Birdie told her.
Megan grinned. "I know. That's just what I want."

Megan and Birdie went into the school. Max was following behind.
"Megan, my office," Max said. Megan grinned and winked at Birdie. Birdie laughed and walked off. Megan went to the office with Max.

Megan went with Max. "Hello."
"Hey. How are you?" Max asked.
"I'm doing just fine."

Max locked the door. He was fully in charge of Waterloo Road. "Well. If you're good, I'll pick you up tonight."
"Mmm. I could be doing very important stuff."
Max smirked and kissed her neck. "Like?"
"Ehm... myself?" Megan teased. Max grinned against her skin.
"Excuse me, I think you'll find it's my job to do you," Max told her. He spun her around in his arms and kissed her passionately. Megan kissed back.

Megan pulled Max over to the sofa and she laid down on it. Max straddled her and kissed her neck while taking off her shirt.

"What happened to me being in lesson?" Megan asked.
Max smirked. "Well you're busy assisting the head."

Megan pushed Max away. "I have to go to lesson," she said.
"Not good at all. You're mine," Max said.
"You'll get more later if you're good," Megan whispered in his ear. She walked out after fixing herself.
"Little minx," Max mumbled with a smile.

Megan went to class and seen Birdie texting.
"Who's the mystery man?" Megan asked. Birdie grinned.
"Don't be nosy."
"Nosy? Would I be nosy?" Megan said in a joke. Birdie grinned.
"I cannot reveal his name."
Megan grinned. "Well, I left my man wanting more."

Megan was feeling sick. She groaned. "You okay?" Birdie asked.
"Yeah. Feel sick."
Megan ran from the room to the bathrooms. She threw up. Megan groaned as she wiped her mouth. She flushed the toilet.

Megan reached into her bag and grabbed the pregnancy test she had. She knew she was pregnant again but needed to be sure. She sighed and took out the test from the box. She took the test.

Megan watched her hands and looked at the test. It was ready. Megan sighed and looked.

8-9 weeks'

Megan paled and threw the test in the bin. Megan went back to class. "Sorry sir. Been sick," Megan mumbled.
"Are you okay?" Simon asked. Megan nodded. She didn't know how to tell Max.

Birdie noticed that Megan was very quiet during History.
"Megs?" Birdie asked.
"Are you okay? You seem very distant."
Megan sighed. "Just leave me alone."

Megan got up as soon as the bell rang and left the classroom. She needed time alone. She went to the canteen and sat down. "Cuppa?" Maggie asked.
Megan smiled and thanked her.

Maggie handed Megan a cup of tea. "You don't look very well."
Megan sighed. "I'm fine. Just feeling sick."

Megan drank her tea. She handed Maggie her cup. "Thanks for the cup of tea."

Megan took a deep breath and went to the office. She opened the door. Max grinned.
"I knew you couldn't resist for much longer," Max said. He noticed how serious Megan looked.

Megan sat down on the sofa and took out the pregnancy test.
"What's this?" Max asked.
"My pencil case. What the hell do you think?" Megan spat. Max went over to her and sighed.
Megan rolled her eyes. "No. It's the postmans!"
"I take that as a yes. It's mine."
"Yes it's bloody yours."

Max nodded. "What do you intend to do?"
"Max, I have a one year old daughter. I can't cope," Megan mumbled as she put the test back in her bag.

"I'm here to help you," Max said. Megan looked at him.
"I have a court case to focus on. Then I'll think about it," Megan mumbled. Max nodded.

Megan left the office and bumped into Birdie.
"Can we talk?" Megan asked. Birdie nodded. They went to the roof of the school and sat close.
"I'm pregnant again. I don't know what to do," Megan admitted. She began to cry. Birdie held her tightly.

"What do you want to do about it?" She asked.
"I don't know. Poppy's only just turned one. How can I handle a newborn and a two year old," Megan sobbed.

Max didn't know what to do. He hadn't planned on getting Megan pregnant. He knew they used condoms.

Max sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He knew he needed to support Megan.

Megan and Birdie went to PE. Megan said she wasn't feeling well. Hector let her sit out. Megan squinted as she noticed her best friend flirting with Hector.

Max seen Megan sitting on the steps outside the school watching the PE. He opened the door and sat down with her.
"You okay?" Max asked.
"You seriously asking me that?"
Max smirked. "Well, I'm sure it's been one of our many nights."
"This isn't funny. I'm terrified."
"I know."

Megan cuddled into him. She didn't care who saw. "Poppy won't understand."
"Bring her over tonight. We'll tell her together," Max said.
"She's one."
"She'll understand. Trust me," Max said. He played with her hair. Megan grinned.
"I love you," she said.
"Love you too."

Max noticed the flirting too.
"Are they-"
"Goodness knows. But as long as they're as happy as we are, it doesn't matter," Megan said. She took Max's hand. Max held hers back.
Max went back inside. Megan looked at the picture she had of Poppy. "You're always my perfect princess," she whispered.

When PE was over, Megan went inside and went to English. She saw Tom. "Alright Megs?"
Megan just nodded. "Never been better."
"That's good. You didn't do PE?" Tom asked.
"Nope. Not feeling too good."
The rest of the class began to pour in.

Birdie sat down with Megan.
"Is Reid good at sex?" Megan asked. Birdie blushed bright red. "I knew it!"
"Shh," Birdie whispered. Megan smiled. "You and Max okay?"
"Yeah. We're going to tell Poppy later about the baby," Megan told her. Birdie smiled.
"I'm guessing she'll be happy."
"Confused is more like it. She doesn't know what a baby is," Megan replied.
Birdie smiled. "Lola wants to play with her."

During the lesson, Megan felt slightly sick. She looked at Tom. "Can I be excused?"
"Feeling sick."
Tom nodded. Birdie went with her. She held her hair back as she threw up.
"Ugh, I hate this," Megan mumbled. Birdie giggled.
"You've been through it before."

Once Megan got cleaned up, they decided to go into town. Max gave them permission to leave.
"Perks of shagging the head," Megan said. Birdie laughed.
"Must be good if he kept you wanting more."
"No comment on my baby daddy's bedroom skills."

Megan walked back into class. Rhiannon smirked. "Anyone would think you're pregnant way you've been chucking up."
"Shut up."
Rhiannon didn't stop. "Probably her step-dad's kid."

Megan punched Rhiannon. Tom grabbed Megan.
"Out now!" Tom yelled. Megan shook Tom off and walked out.

Tom followed behind and took her to the office.
"She's just punched Rhiannon Salt," Tom said. Max sighed loudly.
"Thank you Tom."

When Tom left, Max sat down beside Megan. He seen her knuckles bleeding. "What happened?" He asked.
"She said she thinks I'm pregnant and said the kid is James," Megan mumbled.
Max sighed. "Well she's right about one of those."
"You are pregnant. But it's my child."

Megan was sent to the cooler. Tom was on duty. "Alright?"
"She wound me up and did nothing. Leave me alone," Megan spat.
Tom sighed. He wrote down Megan's name to say she was present. Megan sat in the room and thought of how she could show Poppy she was pregnant and that Poppy was going to be a big sister. She immediately had an idea and wrote it down to tell Max about it.

Birdie put her stuff in her locker.
"Your friend up the duff?" Rhiannon asked. She had a cut on her cheek.
"No she isn't," Birdie lied. She knew Megan wouldn't want people knowing yet.
"Well why does she keep throwing up?" Rhiannon asked.
"Sickness bug."
Rhiannon nodded and walked off.

Megan walked from the cooler when she was allowed to. She saw Rhiannon. "I bet you are pregnant but don't know who the father is. Just like your other brat."

Megan walked up to Rhiannon.
"You better shut your mouth or you won't be able to open your mouth when I've finished," Megan spat. She walked off over to Birdie.
"Hey," Birdie said. "How's the knuckles?"
"She was well out of order. I told her that you weren't pregnant."
Megan smiled. "Thank you. I don't want people knowing yet."

Finally, the day had finished. Megan smiled as Claire pulled up.
"Hey mummy," Megan said.
"Hey. How was school?" Claire asked.
"Crap as usual."
"Muma!" Poppy called from the back. Megan turned around and smiled at her.
"Hi squishykins!"
Poppy giggled and held her mum's hand.
Megan went home and got changed. She put on a black dress and heels. "Mum, I'm taking Poppy out for a bit," Megan said.
"Alright love. See you later."

Megan left to go over to Max's. Poppy was wide awake. Poppy was babbling away in the pushchair. Megan smiled. She loved her daughter so much.

When they arrived, Max helped Megan in with the pushchair.
"Thanks," Megan said. Max kissed Megan. Poppy squealed.
"Hello to you too," Max said. Poppy grinned and kissed his cheek. Max lifted her out of the pushchair and held her tightly. Megan smiled.

Max took them both into the living room.
"So what's this idea?" Max said. Megan handed him the piece of paper to read while Poppy played on the sofa beside where Max was sitting.

Max smiled. Poppy had her dummy in and giggled at the teddy bear next to her. "Oooh."

Max went to make some coffee. Megan sat with Poppy and held her tightly. "You're my number one princess."

When Max came back in, Megan nodded. Poppy had toddled over to the toys Max had for her. "PopPop. Come here," Megan said.
Poppy giggled. "NoNo!"
"Yes yes," Megan said. Poppy giggled and toddled off. Max seen Poppy toddling into the kitchen.
"No no!" Poppy told him. Max scooped her up. She giggled loudly. Max carried her into the living room.

Megan and Max sat down with Poppy. They were going to tell her about being a big sister.

Megan stood Poppy up and kneeled down in front of her. "Squishy."
Poppy giggled. She tried to toddle off. "Ah no."

Poppy stood by Max. Megan took Poppy's little hands. "Mummy has a baby in her tummy."
Megan grinned. "You're going to be a big sister."

Poppy started crying. She fell onto her bum and cried.
"No no!" Poppy screamed. Max lifted her and took her outside to calm down. Megan felt awful.

She sat in the kitchen. She could hear everything that Max was saying to Poppy.
"Your mummy needs you lots," Max said.
Poppy began to cry. "She losted me."
Max and Megan both knew Poppy meant that Megan would forget about her.
"No she won't. Your mummy loves you a lot," Max said.
Poppy shook her head. "No baba."
"Mummy loves you."
"No ove."

Megan walked in. "Hi Squishykins."
Megan sat down. "You're my little girl and mummy loves you so much."
Poppy nodded and toddled over to her. Megan held her tightly.

They all went inside. Max's phone rang as he put out the dinner for everyone. Megan placed Poppy in her high chair and began feeding her when Max started to shout down the phone. Poppy cried loudly.
"No no ike it!" Poppy screamed.
Megan looked at Max. "Can you not shout?  You're scaring her."
"Forgive me if my ex-wife has decided to start kicking up a fuss how about I left her with nothing!"
"Don't shout!"

Max looked at Megan. "Do not talk to me like that in my own home," he spat.
"Don't scare my daughter then!"
Max glared at her. Megan glared back and then lifted Poppy up. She was in tears.
"We're going."

Max tried to stop Megan but she continued to leave the house with Poppy.

Megan took Poppy back to the house. She didn't want to be around Max right now. She got home and put Poppy to bed.
Megan cuddled in bed with Poppy. She knew having a baby with Max could change everything. But was she strong enough to handle that as well as her court case?

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