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SO let's hurry up and do this

I'm Yui Komori

I am 16

I've turn into a Because I was bitten in my sleep...dont know by who

I have long blonde hair now bigger boobs and butt......

I have long blonde hair now bigger boobs and butt

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this is how I look like....and also my profile PIC thats how I look like....
The Bunny ears are there cause I was curious to put them on

My crushes are.......*blushes* waiiitttt
Why should I tell you......fine I'll tell you
*whisper* my crushes are Shu Yuma ayato reiji and kou....i wish to be with one of them...but its not like they will feel the same way...I just want one of them to be with me....

I like to go shopping, text, hangout with people, and eating chocolate..I LOVE CHOCOLATE

So yeah remember I am Yui Komori but I'm not a human no I said I've been turned into a vampire..

Well bye bye now Honey Buns~
*walks away*

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