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Kiara Smith above
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ K I A R A S M I T H
"Kiara... Kiara.... Wake up, we have to get ready.." I heard while I was asleep. I groan lightly, not wanting to get up at all. "Please Kiara, before dad wakes up." The voice spoke. "Okay baby, i'm getting up." I said sitting up, still with my eyes closed. My body is aching and I just feel so weak. If it wasn't for my father, I would most definitely stay in bed all day. My eyes are barely open as I stretch my arms and legs. I turn on the desk lamp and squint my eyes until my eyes fully adjust, so that i'm familiar and able to see my surroundings. I look over at Devin who is fully dressed. "You washed already?" I asked, half asleep. "Yes I did. And I brushed my teeth." He says, then smiling, showing me his pearly whites. "Beautiful Devin." I smile. He's my little brother, my only brother. "Thanks sis. Can I watch spongebob on the tv?" "Of course you can, just remember to keep the volume on the low. Okay?" I say and he nods. He turns on the tv and I simply stand there with a smile plastered on my face. I absolutely love my brother. He's only six years old, and he's my precious angel. We both have to wake up this early just to get some breakfast and so I can drop him off at school. It's hard. We don't wake up to a lovely breakfast already fixed up at the table... at least not anymore. The worst thing is that Devin never experienced this before. The morning breakfast, the morning talks... none of that. I try my hardest to keep him safe and give him the best childhood he can. "Kiara!" He whispers with a bit of a shout. I give him a 'what?' look and he groans. "Hurry and shower. Why have you just been standing there?" "I was distracted by Spongebob." I lied. I hadn't noticed that i've just been standing there, instead of getting ready for a shower. He just smiles at me and goes back to watching the tv, which is playing Spongebob.I didn't even have to glance or hear the tv to know it's playing Spongebob. It's his favorite. Personally, my favorite would always be Pokemon or Tom and Jerry, but hey. Spongebob is good too. I quickly grab my towel and my clothing and go to the bathroom. I do my usual routine which takes about, twenty minutes? My shower, my face wash, my teeth, my hair, makeup and my clothing. Once i've finished, I quietly sneak out of the bathroom, making sure not to make any noise. Once I got into my room, Devin's adorable green eyes is glued onto the TV, enjoying Spongebob making his Krabby Patties. "Hun, grab your thing and i'll meet you by the car." I tell him and he quickly obeys, grabbing his TMNT book bag, along with his lunch bag and goes downstairs. Once I know he's downstairs, I open my drawer, and pull out some aspirin. I grab my purse then quietly walk out of my room, into my father's' room. Quietly, steadily. The room is dark but I can still see his limp body on his bed, beer and alcohol bottles surrounding him. The only thing I can really hear is the sound of his heavy breathing and his loud snoring. I go to his desk and already see a glass of water, and aspirin there. Did he not take it yesterday? Not caring, I put the aspirin I already have in my hand and add it to the ones on the desk. Oh fucking well. I'm trying to help him but he denies it. I hope he gets the biggest hangover. His been like this ever since mom died. Our mother died when Devin three years old. We all miss her terribly but our father took the biggest hit of emotions when this all occurred. Devin doesn't remember that much about our mother. But he's seen videos and heard many things. He didn't take it well. I quickly exit his room, and quickly go downstairs and out the door. There's Devin. Standing by my car. He gives me a warm smile and I feel happy again. "Is dad okay?" he asked and I nod in reply. "Yeah, he's fine. Just being a s-.... sleepyhead." I smile sweetly and he simply giggles. "Do you need help getting in the car?" I asked him. "no i'm a big boy. I can do it KiKi." "Alrighty then." I said. He turns to my car and tries opening the door. He pulls and pulls, but it won't budge. "KiKi, I think your car is stuck." "Babe, I haven't even unlocked it yet." I laughed. "oh. Oops." "Hi!" I waved over to our lovely neighbor, getting her newspaper. // A.N- Ya'll see what I did there ;-) // "Hello!" Devin waved at them. "Hello Darlings! Have a lovely day!" Mrs.Parker, our neighbor says before going back inside her home. I unlocked my car and Devin quickly opens it and climbs inside. I close the door behind him and get into the driver's seat, and start the car. "is your seatbelt on?" "Yes KiKi." he says as I put my seatbelt on. Then I get out of my parking space and start driving. This is how our usual mornings go. Well, all our mornings. Getting out the house is like a 'Stealthy Mission' in COD. That's the best way I can describe it. then after we get out the house, I usually go to Dunkin' Donuts to pick up some, what we call 'Breakfast'. Then after, we go to the store to pick up lunch for Devin, and luckily, it's by his school. So it's not a hassle. Then it's time... for hell. People usually expect a school in California to be full of celebrities and movie stars and super 'Tumblr' and chilled. But this school is just an above ground version of hell in my opinion. - - - "Oh god guys, get a room." I say opening my locker, ignoring the couple making out beside me. My best friend, Veronica, and my friend, Louis pulls away from each other and laugh. "Now you know how we feel when we're around you and Zayn." Veronica says, making her boyfriend laugh. I roll my eyes playfully while filling out my purse with my first period books. "I don't do that." I reply and Louis laughs like crazy. "Are you serious?" "Moving on guys!" I turn to Louis and Veronica, and dig through the big Dunkin Donuts bag I have on my arm. "A latte and donut for my best friend, and sweet tea as well as a biscuit for little Lou." I say, as i'm handing it to them. "Thanks lovely." Veronica replies, taking a sip of her latte. Louis, not replying since his mouth his currently full, of biscuit. But he simply nods, in a way of saying 'Thanks'. Suddenly, I feel a someone snatch the bag from my hand, and I turn around to see... "Blake! Give me back the fucking bag!" "Oo, what'd you get me, sweetheart?" "I'll give you a knuckle sandwich, asshole." I said trying to get the bag back, but he holds it over to his head. "Just give her back the bag, mate." Louis says stepping up to him. "I'll make a deal with you..." Blake says, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me close to him. "If you give me a kiss, i'll give you your bag back." "Ew! Let go of me you fucking rapist!" I yelled, trying to push him off. Suddenly, the bag was yanked out of his hand. "Let her go, Blake." "The food is for us, not you!" The thick irish accent spoke. With that, Blake released me and scoffed while rolling his eyes at them. "It's called a joke, guys. Try to get a sense of humor." Blake responds. "try to get a life pal." Liam say with a smirk, as I hear chuckles coming from Veronica and Louis. Blake rolls his eyes and walks away. "My heros!" I said throwing myself at them. Liam caught me and pulled me into a hug. Niall looked at Liam and rolled his eyes. "Hey! What about me?" Niall says. "No." Liam says keeping a grip on me. "What about me?" Louis says. "You too Lou." "Victory kiss!" Veronica says quickly pulling Louis into a passionate kiss. The three of us groan, but they don't care. "Get a room you two!" Niall said. "That's exactly what i said." I said as we started walking. "Have you guys seen Zayn?" i ask as they both shake their heads. "Well, if you see him, tell him i got him some food. There some in here for the both of you too." I said giving them the bag, Niall snatches it, in a friendly way, and searching in the bag. Liam laughs and turns to me, giving me a warm smile. "Thanks Kiara." "It's no problem." I smile back. ~ R I N G ! ~ The bell that warns us that class is about to begin. "Shit, i can't be late for class again. I'll see you guys later, yeah?" Niall says quickly running to class. Liam, Veronica, Louis and i have first period class together, so we all started walking together. Suddenly i felt someone's hands and my waist and i quickly reacted by elbowing them in the stomach. i heard a loud groan and moan in pain. We all turn around and see Zayn with a pained look. Liam and Louis laughed and i quickly rushed to Zayn side, trying to comfort him. "Oh my god, i'm so sorry Zayn. I didn't mean too..." I say as he quickly got back on his feet and lifted me to the air. i squeal as he put me over his shoulder, then Zayn ran away from the group and i continued squealing and giggling. "Zayn! Put me down!" he says and quickly obeys. As soon as he stops and puts me down, he pulls me into a kiss. I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck as his wraps his arms around my waist. i pull away after a few seconds and he smiles at me. "I've missed you babe." he says. "you've missed me? Where have you been this morning! You're nearly late for class!" ~ R I N G ! ~ "i know i know, late nights. You should understand." he says as he caresses my cheek. i nuzzle into his touch with a smile. " i guess." "i've missed you. We haven't been hanging out lately, you've been busy." " i know, i know. We'll hang out soon." "When babe? Honestly, when was the last time you've attended a party?" he ask. i thought about it for a while. i have no clue. i shrugged in response. "Exactly." he says, crossing his arms and putting a slight pout. "We will soon. i promise." i replied, pecking him on the lips lightly. He gives me a smile and holds my hands. "By the way, i bought you some food, and i gave it to Niall to give it to you." Zayn laughs. "It's as good as gone." Then we started coming to a realization. "On shit! We're late for class!" I said. He laughs and shakes it off. "i don't care." he says. "well i do. i'll set you later." i say kissing his cheek then rushing off to class.
Once i got into class, the whole room turned to me. gosh. "Nice of you to join us Ms.Smith. Do you need some time to get to your seat to?" My math teacher, Mr.Rodgers ask with sass. i roll my eyes at him and give him the finger, in my head at least. "Sorry Sir, won't happen again." i said. i look around towards the front of the room, where all my friends are usually seated. Of course, they're all taken. "Mr.Rodgers, there are no seats." i tell him. He looks around the classroom and points to an empty seat in the back. Was that always there? i go to the seat and settle in. Already not knowing what's going on. I take out my binder and place it on my desk then take a sip of my latte. I look around me. No one i really talk to is near me, unfortunately. I start digging through my bag for a pen, but i can't find one. "Excuse me, is there a pen i can possibly borrow from you?" i whispered to the kid next to me. His face was buried in his binder. I'm not sure if he heard me, so i lightly tap his shoulders. He looks up to me as adjusts the glasses that has lowered from the bridge of his nose. He looks at me with his green sparkly eyes. Who know he had green eyes behind that book? "Do you have a pen i can borrow?" i asked again. He nods and picks up his black satchel and digs in it. As he does, i look at him and observe him. He has nice, combed back brown hair, looks as soft as the clouds. His outfit, slightly plain and boring. A brown sweater vest over a button down shirt, looks pretty itchy if you ask me. His pants look like what the teachers usually wear. I have never met this guy before, he seems... well, i can't really say. i don't have words to describe him. "Hello??" he said, snapping his fingers in my face. was i staring at him. "oh shit, sorry. Thanks for the pen." i said grabbing it from him. i face the board where Mr.Rodgers is giving a lesson. Once again, not knowing what's going on. But what does draw my attention, is the unfamiliar boy that i've yet to know. He looks, quite adorable in my opinion. i heard a mumble coming out of the boy's mouth as he glanced at me. "Excuse me?" i said to him. He looked at me. Almost frightened... "i-i said... t-take a picture... it'all last longer.." he said and i felt my cheeks warm up in embarrassment. "I...I just haven't caught your name." "that's because i haven't thrown it yet." He says, with a surprising look. Almost as if he didn't expect himself to say that. He turns red, in embarrassment. I just laugh, not so loud so Mr.Rodgers could hear. The redness of his face slowly fading as his smile grows. He tries to hide his smile, but i can still see it. It's kind of cute. He's british? "My name is Harry. Harry Styles." he says. "Hey Harry, my name is..." "Yeah, i know what your name is Kiara." he says with a slight chuckle in his voice. "you do? aren't you new?" i ask and he just laughs. "i've been in this school for four years Kiara. We have the same Math, P.E and Lunch period as you." He says and i turn redder than before. Have i been that oblivious? "I'm sorry Harry." "It's fine Kiara. I'm used to it." He says and i frown. Before i knew it, he's back at his binder. I sigh and start sketching randomly in my binder. Then i feel a vibration from my phone in my back pocket and i pull it out to see loads of text. -Zayn: beach l8ter? x
-Veronica: Hey, few of us were going to the beach for lunch and skip a few after. you in!?
-Liam: hey :-) want to hang together at the beach?