Chapter 2 ~ Dump's Secretary Gets Beat Up By 13 Year Olds

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When the finally returned home with the eggs, Nikki and Kassie could already smell the muffins baking in the kitchen. 
"YAY muffin batter," Nikki yelled charging to the kitchen.
"Hey you moron stop trying to eat food not made for you."
"No," Nikki gleefully cried, "You said your mom was making a cake, these are muffins." Nikki picked one up and waved it around before attempting to eat it. Kassie grabbed her arm and wrestled it back dropping muffin crumbs all over the floor.
"You idiot," Kassie spat, "Now there are crumbs on the floor!"
Kassie angrily grabbed a broom and began furiously sweeping up all the crumbs. Honestly, Nikki could be smart and was actually a pretty decent detective. However, she chose to act like a twirling idiot all the time.  She looked over distraughtly at her cousin hoping for some help cleaning, yet, there sat her cousin pouting over the muffin she had not gotten to eat.  Suddenly, Kassie's mom came bounding down the stairs in her baking clothes.
Now, Penelope Traverse was a kind and patient woman. She was also the strictest parent in the neighborhood. She was known everywhere for her baking skills, but Kassie and Nikki knew her to be the scariest parent you could have.
"Oh, good girls, you got the eggs. I'll finish the cake up and put the muffins out; we're going to have a feast of a Dump day. And, Nikki, your parents will be here soon to eat, so you girls get dressed, okay?"
"Yeah, mom, we will," Kassie replied. Her favorite part of Dump day (aside from honoring the great president) was the dresses and clothes they got to wear. Sure they were frilly girly and kind of annoying, but that's what women should wear. Especially to impress men on Dump day too. Nikki was lucky, while Kassie had to wear an output long bright red dress that went past her feet and trailed behind her, Nikki got to wear a black dress that went past her an inch past her knees with no annoying long train. It did have a train, but a little one in the back that just touched the ground and a little behind it too. It went up to her collarbone and had a little lace there with long sleeves. Unlike the short sleeved long trained frilly around the edges red dress Kassie had to wear.
Kassie's mom walked back towards the kitchen to finish up her Dump cake. Kassie was about to go help when Nikki began twirling like an idiot again singing her stupid exploding song. Angry at her cousin's absent mindedness, Kassie pushed Nikki to the ground. Stumbling, her cousin knocked into the closet door barely missing the changing area where the cool change behind thingy with spinning panels was.
"That hurt," Nikki cried leaping from her spot on the closet floor. "You'll pay for th- wait a minute." Nikki stared into space almost confused. "What you mentioned earlier..."
"What are you talking about?" Kassie inquired. "When I was yelling at you for singing that idiotic song?"
"No..." Nikki started. "When you said-when you said that the longest term a president's ever had before Dump was eight years. Isn't strange that President Dump is still our president today?"
"What the hell are you talking about, Nikki? To speak of such a thing...on Dump day, to say the least! If we were near a DDMP, you could be arrested! Or worse, expelled! Wait, what? Anyway, I don't want to hear those words come out of your mouth ever again!" Kassie slapped Nikki is a sisterly was that showed how close their bond was.
" said-you said that earlier!"
"Said what?" Nikki's parents stepped into the house, dressed impeccably as always. Nikki's mom strolled over to the girls. "What are you talking about?"
Terrified, Kassie opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. They weren't supposed to speak like that, not ever. If Nikki's parents found out... they could be sent to Dump School.
Now Dump School might sound like a cool place, but it was far from that. Kassie had seen what it did to people. Whenever someone spoke out against President Dump like that, they were sent to Dump School. Kassie didn't know what they did there, but when they came back, they seemed a ghost of the person they were before. Those who came back from Dump School spouted Dump propaganda all the time. It was like they didn't know when to stop. Strangely, no one seemed to mind it except for Kassie and Nikki.
You might ask, "What parent would send their child there?" And the answer to that is: all parents. It seemed that no one had any qualms about sending their loved ones off to Dump School. Whenever someone spoke out against President Dump, after they were sent to Dump School, it was never spoken of again. One time Nikki asked Kassie's mom about it, and only got a confused response. And then there were the ones that never came back. One of their good friends had been sent to Dump School, only to never return. They asked his mom about it, but she didn't recall having a son. It was then that they realized how scary Dump School could be.
"We were arguing about me being a twirling idiot," Nikki chirped. Kassie relaxed. It wasn't a total lie-she was pretty mad at Nikki.
"That's because it's true." Kassie shot back.
"Now, now, girls. Why aren't you dressed yet? Shouldn't you be doing that rather than arguing?"
Kassie gulped. Her aunt was right, they should've already been dressed. Nikki started up the stairs, toward the dressing room. Kassie followed her mumbling, "My mom's gonna kill us if we aren't ready soon."
"Relax! We'll just  make up some excuse." Nikki said.
"Like what?" Kassie asked, annoyed that Nikki wasn't being serious. Kassie's mom was terrifying.
"Umm.. like... Oh, oh I finally got bigger breasts and had to look for a new bra." Nikki laughed. Kassie did too. In Dump land, a small waist and big boobs were wanted in women. Both of them had been asked about optional plastic surgery. And both had refused.
Chuckling Kassie responded, "Nikki, we need a reasonable excuse. She will never believe that." Nikki glared at her cousin and pouted. They hurried into their rooms and got dressed before heading downstairs. As they struggled to walk in their fancy heels, they saw an older man, about forty, trying Kassie's mom's cake. He looked over at them and smiled,
"Why, this cake is lovely! I'm sure President Dump will love it! I'm sure he'll love you girls too..."
Her mom beamed and nodded. Nikki's parents patted Kassie's mom on the back, congratulating her.
"I hope he does! Love the cake, I mean. And oh, for my girls to meet President Dump! That would be a dream come true!" Nikki's parents nodded excitedly in agreement. It was a privilege to even see President Dump in real life, much less meet him.
"I'm sure it would be," the man grinned. "Would you girls like to take a picture with me? It's an honor to have to such close proximity to President Dump's very own secretary."
Kassie blanched. Nikki looked like she was about to vomit. Dump's secretary was disturbing. The way he said "he'll love you girls" was creepy. Kassie was afraid that this man was a pedophile. They tried to slowly back away, but Kassie's mom pushed them forward,
"Stand over there! In the good lighting! Yes, that's it. Wait a second and I'll grab my good camera!" As Kassie's mom rushed to grab her camera, the girls were forced to stand with Dump's Secretary. Nikki's parents had followed Kassie's mom, praising her the whole way. He had his hands on their backs, and it seemed like his hands were drifting lower.
"WHAT THE HELL?" Kassie screeched at the man. Nikki kneed him in the nuts.
"What's happening? What's wrong?" Kassie's mom came rushing in. Nikki's parents were close behind. Dump's secretary was lying on the floor as Kassie was about to grab a baseball bat to hit him with. Nikki was sitting on his back, repeatedly banging his head into the floor. Blood streamed from his nose. Kassie was about to bring down the baseball bat on his head when Kassie's mom screamed at her.
"NIKKI, YOU ARE GROUNDED AS WELL. YOU GIRLS ARE GOING NOWHERE TOGETHER." Nikki's mom put in. "Secretary, I am so sorry. These girls aren't usually like this. Here's a handkerchief, I'll call an ambulance."
"But-but he sexually assaulted us! Aunt Penelope-listen!" Nikki was sputtering.
"He had his hand on my a-" Kassie attempted to protest.
"I don't want to hear it! Go to your rooms!
Kassie's mom helped the man up, while Nikki's mom chattered on the phone. Nikki's dad cleaned the blood up.
With the help of Kassie's mom, President Dump's Secretary stood up and wiped the blood off his face with a handkerchief. Slowly, he turned to Kassie and Nikki.
"You'll pay for this, girls. You can count on that." And with that, the ambulance arrived and their parents and the secretary were taken away.
"What do you suppose he meant by that?" Nikki asked, glancing behind herself at the ambulance disappearing into the distance. She wiped the blood off her dress, glad it was black. Maybe it wouldn't be ruined.
"I don't know, but I ain't payin' anything to that old creep." Kassie said cheekily. "He'll be dead before that happens."
"Do you think he'll send us to," Nikki's voice dropped to a whisper. "Dump School?" Kassie shuddered. "God, I hope not."
Nikki slipped out of the house, Kassie close behind. They had changed out of their dresses into comfortable hoodies and pants. They wore their hunting boots and and grabbed any possible weapons. With their parents preoccupied at the hospital, they could easily get out of the house. Getting away from the DDMP was a different story though.
"We need to hurry," Nikki pressured, "Once are parents see us gone, we will be turned over to the DDMP for sure!" Nikki gripped her backpack tighter. "Kassie what do you think?"
"Umm... I thought we were going to party for Dump Day. What are you talking about?"
"Are you serious," Nikki was shocked. "We literally kneed his secretary in the nuts for being a pedophile.How did you forget this?" Nikki was scared now. This wasn't a time for jokes, and her cousin never acted clueless like this. That was her job.
"But, Tronald Dump is the greatest, kindest president we've ever known! And that hairline." Kassie spouted Nikki's own words back at her. "He wouldn't do anything to us."
"Are you crazy?! I said that when you questioned Dump earlier. What are you doing!" Furious, she shook her cousin and pushed her away in anger. This was no time to play dumb. They had to run to somewhere Dump hadn't invaded yet. Suddenly, it was as if Kassie snapped out of her clueless trance.
"Oh God, you're right! We need to run somewhere far, far away! What the hell was I talking about?" Kassie ran with Nikki. Together, they ran to a place they knew was safe. There were rumors of a long gone anti-Dump place far away. Supposedly, it was far underground. It was rare to find it around their town, but was supposedly deep in the woods and far underground accessed by a secret lever only anti-Dump's could see. It was a rumor before, but anything was possible now. Running, the girls were fearful of using their phones but had no other choices. They looked up times for trains and hoped the DDMP wouldn't notice till they were gone.
"How are you sure we'll be able to see the lever?" Kassie questioned Nikki. It was scary being on the run. "We've loved President Dump for our entire lives. And I still don't see the reason we're scared of him! We may have done something illegal, but knowing President Dump, he'll probably forgive us for it. I want to go back to festivities. We could always just kill his secretary, you know."
Nikki sighed,"You're right... But what about Dump school!"
What about Dump School? Kassie hadn't really given it much thought. What do they even do there? Kassie thought to herself. It was too great of a chance to take.
"You're right. We should hide out," Kassie replied.
"That's what I said! If we go back, we'll be in Dump school for sure."
"Ok. So, how do we find the lever? We aren't anti-Dump people! We adore our president as any good citizen should!"
Honestly, Nikki wasn't so sure she liked Dump anymore. If his secretary acted like that... Nikki sighed and then realized how to get Kassie on her side. "You're right, let's just go back. I mean how bad can Dump school be... As long as we don't disappear like that boy, forever, and ever and ever."
"Child. Don't you get sassy with me. I fully understand the risk! There's no way in hell I'm going to Dump School! And judging by your attitude, it seems like you're anti-Dump already." Kassie muttered under her breath. "I still can't believe you feel that way about our amazing president."
Nikki couldn't take it anymore. All the history lessons about Dump that they believed were great. "Oh, oh amazing like when he killed the Muslims who didn't convert, banned illegal Hispanics from here, and started wars with other countries simply to take over!"
"Those Muslims were terrorists! Illegal immigrants are illegal. What part of that don't you understand? And when you say 'start wars', I'm sure you mean 'expanded territory' and 'made Dump Land great again'. I just don't comprehend why you feel this way."
"I-I, fine go wherever you want I'm going to find that lever. Also how can you just stereotype everyone like that. It's awful!" Nikki was furious. How dare Kassie insult the innocents who died, and the immigrants forced to leave their American born children here!
"Okay, fine! You're not going anywhere without me! You can fill me in on your morals later. Right now, you and your anti-Dump butt have to find that lever."
Niki fumed, "No find it yourself just listen to yourself, all you'd probably do is tell Dump where were hiding."
"Do you really think you can survive on your own without me? I'm the brains here! And as the smart one, I would not turn us in. I'm not brainwashed like every other citizen of Dump Land. So, I'm coming with you whether you like it or not." Kassie grabbed Nikki's sleeve and didn't let go.
Nikki sighed and laughed, "I'm smart too, but you're right. I can't leave you. So, shall we head to the train station?"
"I guess. Go find that lever. Ugh, all this propaganda must've been getting to me."
"Yeah, let's go," Nikki agreed.  And with that, the pair headed off to search for the hidden train station.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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