pet shop

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Today was open house, hundreds Vampires walked through the pet shops today in order to find a pet, but only some came back here.

"Don't talk, don't stand, don't look," i repeat in my thoughts as all the vampires walked by my cage and looked at me, i stayed in the corner of my room hoping none of them decide I am the one for them. This isn't the worst though,  I am lucky; for one,  I am alive, though most don't consider that lucky. Two I am in a nicer pet shop, we have rooms made of two walls and two enourmas windows with one huge glass door. in our room we got a matress a shower and evryday we got three meals. that was more than any master has ever given me. I moved so my back was wedged between the walls and leaned my head down so my waist legnth hair covered my face. After about 2 hours it was quiet, the pet shop owner who was nice enough for a vampire came around.

"Hey, jess time to eat ok?" he asked gently knowing that loud noises hurt my ears i nodded and he handed me food, "you know you can talk right?" he asked.

I said "yeah" or that's what I tried to say i ended up crying in pain and pointing to my jaw.

He walked over to me i backed up "Jess let me look at your jaw you  just  got back here from a nutoriusly abusive master i don't want you to be in any pain," he said. I stayed where I was showing that I understood, he walked over and held me down.

I struggled but he said "don't try, it's ok, i'm going to fix it if you stop moving your head." I stopped and he put is hand on the back of my jaw feeling around until he found the dislocation and put his hand right over it then with a light pop my jaw went back in place. I cried in pain but he put some ice on it and gave me breakfast which consisted of oatmeal I ate it slowly, testing my newly fixed jaw.
I ate in silence listening to the others in this room talk about how awful their previous master or masters in two peoples cases were, I knew of the other room I had seen it before it was still nice although it wasn't as private. 

Emmet's pov

I walked into the nicest pet store in town and the owner walked right up to me, "Hello lord Emmet, what are you looking for today?" he asked, "Lucias, call me emmet no need for titles, and I don't know" I said smiling. "ok then, we have the girls in the back and the boys in the front, and if they're new here they're on the left if they've been here they're on the right, the more times they've been here the further back they are," he said.

"ok I think I'm going to look at girls today, " I said continuing to smile. He walked toward the back of his shop I followed him, the we got to the first room I saw a young girl probably 16 or 17. She was on the left so she had just come out of school years she looked at me with eyes that begged me not to take her. I read the name plate on her door "Brittany"  I waved at her she rolled her eyes.
I kept walking, going deeper into the pet shop until I reached a set of clear glass doors it was one way glass so I couldn't see in the room.

"Can I go in here?" I asked Lucias.

"If you want,  you can but most of them are injured or over 30 or have been back here more than ten times,"  he said then added "they get special care most of them have really bad trust issues."
I walked in to a clean set of rooms some with things such as card games, board games and even TV's, there were about  30 or so rooms only about 19 were occupied I walked through the first 18 then I saw the 19th in the back with a small girl in it. She had beautiful light blue eyes, and very long brown hair which she seemed to hide behind. she was small she looked to be about 5'2" at most 5'4", she also was very skinny, twig-like if you ask me.

"Who's this?" I asked, "Jess she has a broken jaw and 8 broken fingers which have almost healed, 4 broken ribs, and a previous ankle break, also she has really sensitive hearing. She's about 13," he said.

I asked "previous owners up to her last one?" he said "well she's had about 7, Peter Jenne, Kestra Anne, Jack Mattisan, Gordan Blurr, Mick Lyvel, Collin Timber, and," he paused for a moment looking hesitant, "Wendall Peirce. most of her broken ribs were from him along with her jaw and fingers." I said "I'll take her," I said calmly.  He walked in to her room talking softly to her.

jess pov:

"Hey jess, that's lord Emmet you're going to go home with him ok?" the owner walked in talking to me in a quiet voice.

"Ok" I whispered my voice raspy because I hadn't talked in well over a week due to my jaw. i looked up quickly catching a glance at the man who was supposedly my new master, he was tall probably 6'5" but muscular like a professional boxer, he had a brownish colored hair it was lighter in some places and darker in others.
  I tried to stand but I got up too fast resulting in shooting pains through my ribs I fell over, but the pet shop owner caught me and helped me stay on my feet, when i was able to walk again I walked out the open door to my new master.

Hey guys, just doing some random editing, if you see something that you think should be changed please comment.

side note you guys rock

anyways  thanks again

Wild child writer

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