Chapter Six

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I woke to the sound of rain hitting the window and a warm sensation surrounding my body.

I looked over to see Theo sleeping peacefully next to me. His arm was stationed over my abdomen, holding me close to him. I carefully slipped out from under his weight and made my way quietly out of his room. I slipped down the hallway, and into the kitchen where I spotted Theo's dark green shirt from last night.

Memories of last night flooded my head. The bar with Grace and the guys, Theo kissing me and then taking me home. I smiled as I made my way towards the counter to make myself a cup of coffee.

I folded Theo's shirt while the delicious aroma of coffee filled the kitchen. I picked up my phone, heading to the living room after adding cream and sugar to my drink. I sat on the couch, setting my coffee down and covering myself with a blanket. I looked at the time on my phone that listed 10:22.

I turned the TV on and lowered the volume, scrolling through the channels to find an old re-run of 'Friends' and settling on that. I picked up my coffee, blowing a little before taking a sip. The hot liquid coated my throat, making me feel warm and cozy.

I grabbed my phone to see four missing texts from Grace, and two missed calls. I called her without looking at the texts and she answered almost immediately.

"Cam! Where the hell have you been, I've been trying to get ahold of you all morning!" I heard Grace scream through the phone.

"Hey Grace, sorry I just woke up. How was your night after the bar? I saw you and Ben getting very familiar with each other", I grinned.

"I already... Oh, you didn't check your texts," She continued, "So I slept with Ben, and let me tell you, he is very blessed", she said giggling.

"Grace!", I exclaimed, not wanting to hear too many details from their encounter.

"Yeah, it was a really fun night!" she said, "We left not long after you and Theo. By the way, what happened with you and Theo?" she asked, "After Ben pulled me away to dance I saw him come behind you but then, well... I got distracted," she said giggling.

"It's a bit of a long story, how about I tell it to you over dinner?" I asked.

"Oh hell yeah! Tell me everything. My place, come over around six." she said, not long before telling me she had to go and hanging up on me.

I sighed, taking another sip of my coffee and remembering the moment between Theo and I last night. The way his hands held me firmly, the way his lips caressed mine passionately.

I was drawn out of my trance when my phone rang, startling me back to reality. I picked it up to see the caller ID: Momma.

I answered and lifted the phone to my ear.

"Hi, Mom," I said cheerfully.

"Cami, oh my college girl", she raved as I stood with my coffee and walked towards the kitchen. I placed her on speaker while I grabbed the makings for breakfast tacos from the fridge and pantry.

She asked me about my first week of classes, asking questions about my professors, and if I had made any new friends. I told her about Grace while cracking some eggs into a bowl before proceeding to whisk them together. I continued preparing the breakfast, cooking the bacon and eggs before frying the diced potatoes while conversing with my mom.

When breakfast was nearly done, I was startled by a cat-call whistle coming from the kitchen entryway.

"Who was that?" my mom questioned.

"Hey, mom, I have to go, but I promise to call you", I said, before hanging up.

I turned around but was cut short when I bumped into Theo. His hands shot out, grabbing my hips to steady me.

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