A Torn Comeback

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2 Months Before

"Hello? Steve? Wanda? Vision? Anyone home?" I call as I walk into the living room of the Avengers Facility.

"Weird," I muse aloud to myself, "I thought they would be here. Maybe they're on mission?"

Just as I finish my thought, a red blob comes swinging towards me out of no-where yelling, "Hi-ya!!"

Instinctively, I jump up, spin around 360 degrees horizontally in the air, and kick the red blob in the stomach with my left foot.

As Newton said, "For every action, there is and equal and opposite reaction."

That definitely applies here, considering that the red blob flew five feet backwards. The red blob crashes into one of the nearest couches, making the piece of furniture tip over.

"Stark's going to kill me," I thought to myself, knowing how much Tin-can loves when I disarrange his furniture, "Good thing he isn't here."

"What's going on in there?!?" yells a voice from one of the branching off hallways, sounding very similar to a certain billionaire's voice.

"Or not..." I internally groan, knowing I'm dead.

Just then, the philanthropist himself bolts into the room, not noticing me standing there. Typical Stark.

"There's an intruder Mr. Stark!!" yells he red blob, who I hadn't remembered to take a good look at yet.

I only have to take a quick glance at the "red blob" before my stomach drops, and I'm pretty sure my face went slightly paler than normal.

"Abby's going to kill me," I scold myself in dread and slight panic, "Note to self, don't mention this to Abby."

"What intruder?!?" Tin-can asks incredulously as he scans the room, finally noticing me.

"Thanks for noting my presence," I greet sarcastically with my arms crossed, "Are you blind or something??"

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the great Sparkles in the flesh," teases Rhodey in greeting as he enters the living room.

"Hi Rhodes," I reply cheerily before my face changes to a concerned frown, "What happened?!? Why do you have that brace??"

"I got distracted," answers Vision gloomily as he enters right behind Rhodey.

"Ok, I think I deserve an explanation," I demand in worry, "Where's everyone else?? What happened while I was gone?? How in the cosmos did Vision become distracted?? I didn't think that was possible."

"Whoa, slow down, we'll explain everything," Rhodes soothes calmly, "I think you need to apologize to Spidy first."

"You are aware that he came swinging at my face in attack right?" I note in annoyance, but still walk over to Spidy and offer him a hand up, "Though, seriously Parker, you should probably think about greeting someone like a normal person before attacking them."

"Noted," Peter replies, accepting my hand to stand up, flinching a little at the pain in his abdomen from me kicking him.

Once he stands though, he stiffens suddenly and blurts in shock, "How do you know my name?!? I haven't even met you before!!"

"I know lots of things you wouldn't expect me to Peter," I tease with a honest, playful smirk.

"Wow, stocker much?" sasses Tony, clearly wanting to be the center of attention, typical.

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