Chapter 13

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Emma's POV

I looked at her and my mouth dropped she looked like a normal person like a beautiful normal person I mean she had shorter hair and a shorter dress but she looked normal.
"Emma what had happened."
"I don't know you look like a normal person."
"And I didn't before ?"
"No you look more normal not like a queen."
I look at her closer and she smiles at me.
"What are you doing."
"I'm checking to see if you have any ID."
"What are you a...sheriff." As she said that a Rumplestiltskin appeared.
"Hello dearie you are to be taken away all of you are to be taken away to a new place a new amazing place called...Storybrooke."
"Your insane Rumple." Regina said with a laugh. As she stopped laughing we were poofed somewhere and the last thing I remember easy darkness.

Regina's POV:Storybrooke Emma pulls up outside and Henry was never born.

I hear a knock on the door. I'm guessing it was sheriff graham for our little meeting upstairs. I open the door to see a blonde stood drenched in water and she was shivering.
"Are you the mayor."
"Yes and who is asking."
"Emma...Emma Swan." I smirk at her and she looks at me worried.
"Come in Miss.Swan you look....tierd."
"Thank you." She walks in and I get her a towel and she sits on the couch and wraps herself up.
"Miss. Swan your may have to take off your wet clothes and I can have them dry by tomorrow."
"Okay thank you Miss...."
"Miss.Mills but you can call me Regina."
"Okay thank you Regina." She stands up and takes off her tank top and I sit on my chair and watch. She takes off her jeans and my mouth drops when we both suddenly reilise that she was going commando.
"Miss.Swan your um going commando."
"Yes I am can I borrow something to put on me."
"Sure." She winked at me and I blushed. I walked back in with a robe and she was taking off her bra as I was soaking wet.
"Here you are Miss. Swan...." I stare at her and she smiles.
"Are you okay Regina."
"Y-yes I'm fine." I sit on the couch and she looks at me.
"Miss.Mills do you have anything to drink."
"Yes I have apple cider."
"Can I have a glass please."
"Sure." I walk over and fill out two glasses I hand her the drink and we begin to talk.
2 Hours Later

After Emma's 8th glass I decided she needs to go to sleep or something may happen. I had 9 glasses and as I began to go upstairs I heard Emma shout for me.
"Regina can I sleep in your room it's cold down here."
"Okay fine." She stumbles up the stairs and I go to my room and she jumps onto the bed and lays reading a book from my bookcase downstairs.
Emma's POV

I began reading my book and Regina began to undress.
"Emma can you promise me not to look at me while I undress."
"I'll try."
"Thank you."
She took off her dress and I couldn't help but stare her body was amazing I didn't even notice that I had dropped my book until Regina looked at me.
"I told you not to look."
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine Emma." She lay next to me and we talked for why seemed like minutes but it turned out it had been 4 hours she began to fall asleep and i couldn't so I lay down and cried. I don't know why I was crying but Regina woke up and looked at me.
"What's up Emma."
"I'm just scared."
"I'm have no place to go I came here and now my car had broken down and your the only person I know." I cry into her arms and she stokes my head.
"Emma you can stay with me for as long as it takes."
"Yes really."
We look into each others eyes and Regina leans in and......

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