Chapter 17

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Regina's POV 

I wake up and see Emma lay asleep and she looks like an angel if i'm being completely honest. I really do love her and i'm thinking about something to ask her but i'm positive that she will say no. I walk over to the dresser and pull out a box and i open it showing the beautiful diamond ring that i'm using to propose to her with. I know that she will love the ring but i don't know if she loves me enough to say yes. As i put it back i hear her moving around and i turn around and go back into bed with her and she finally wakes up.

"Morning baby." she says planting a kiss on my lips.

" Morning beautiful someone slept in didn't they." I say with a smile. It's contagious and she smiles back and then we both start laughing for no reason.

" I love you Regina."

"Really ?" i say in a worried tone.

"Yes really...i love you so much." She kisses me and i put her on top of me and she smiles. " Someone's eager" she hints.

"But you just woke up baby." She smiles and kisses me. I love her kisses they are just heaven and she is just a beauty...and I'm well..a beast.

"Baby what's up your tense and your never tense." She looks at me with her beautiful eyes and I say something that was so stupid.

"What do you think about marriage?"

"What !?"

"Nothing." I look down. Her finger lifts up my head.

"I think it's wonderful baby." She smiles and kisses me. "Why baby is someone getting married ?"

"If they say yes they will be."

"Why who's proposing Regina ?" She says exited.

"I'll tell you after breakfast."

"But I'm not hungry...for food baby." She says biting her lip.

"Swan just eat I'll make you pancakes" I say kissing her neck.

"Fine I'll sit watching you cook..but on one condition."

"What's that Swan."

"You do it naked"

"Only so you eat." I take off my underwear and she smirks and I go to make the pancakes. She sits at the table practically drooling as she stares at me.

"Emma you have seen my body many times before."

"I know but I love it so much." She says staring. I finish making the pancakes and plate them up and I go put on a dressing gown because I'm cold and Emma soon reilised that when she was staring at me. I go back in and Emma was naked on the counter and eating pancakes in the most sexual way possible.

"What...are you doing Swan ?"

"I'm warm Regina.."

"I mean on the counter baby."

"I'll sit at the table then."

"Thank you Emma."

She sits down and eats her pancakes and then spills the maple syrup on her breasts and I look at her.

"Baby do you want a wipe or cloth to get that off." She smiles.

"No baby I'll have a bath now." She finishes her pancakes and then runs a bath. I go to our bedroom and get out the box again and I feel a hand on my shoulder as I close it.

"Baby what's that ?" Emma says with tears in her eyes.

"Emma it's..." I get down on one knee and open the box and she covers her mouth in shock. "Emma I've loved you since I layed eyes on you and I..I know that your to good for me and everything but I want to ask you a question that I've wanted to ask for years now. Emma Swan will you marry me ?"

"Baby...of course I'll marry you" She cries. And I stand up and put the ring on her finger kissing her.

"I love you baby." I say kissing her and she cries more. I wipe her tears.
"Why are you crying baby ?"

"I'm so in love with you that's why." She smiles and as she gets in the bath I get in with with her and hug her.

"I'm love you Swan."

"I love you to baby."


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