V.A petition

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Hey guys I know I have not updated for a long time. The reasons are that right now I have a lot going on in work, school, getting married and planing the wedding. It's very hard to keep writing and getting good ideas, but dont worrie I will still update the book.

My reasons for this is that I was looking around petitions, and I fond a petition for Vampire Academy Movie. I know alot of people were unhappy because of the movie, but this is our turn to make a better movie. They should have a second turn at making a Vampire Acadmey movie. So please if you would all sign this petition it will be the greates thing in the world. We could all go to the people we follow or our followers and ask if they could sign the petition,and I repeate, I know alot of people did not like the book but does not a good storie come from a 1 draft, let them have their 2 draft, then their final draft.

 We could all go to the people we follow or our followers and ask if they could sign the petition,and I repeate, I know alot of people did not like the book but does not a good storie come from a 1 draft, let them have their 2 draft, then their fi...

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Im very sorry of there is bad spelling Im Russian and sometimes I get confused.

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