Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Days passed as I refused to think of home or even talk about it to Tom, he didn't push the subject either, he knew I had to deal with it in my own quiet way before getting past it and I was grateful that. My body was still healing as i thanked god that it was a school holiday and to didn't have to hobble around school in this pain. Tom took to looking after my every need, it was strange having someone want to help you when all your life you have been so alone that you forget how to depend on others. It is nice having him.

My body was now just stiff with bruises but I could finally walk around without looking like I had a hunchback. As I started to get back to my normal self tom took the opportunity to start teasing me like he used to and tickling me and we even ply wrestled once, that however turned into a steamy session of kissing. I knew he was ready to have sex but I wasn't, well in some sense I was but my confidence wouldn't allow it, I was too scared to do anything that was more than kissing, he laughs at how innocent I am but I just feel guilty for making him wait.

I woke up groggily, as tom nudged me awake sadly he is a morning person and I knew he would have already been for a run and had a how're and it's only just gone eight. I frowned as he kissed my nosed an pushed him away with my hands before moaning and flipping onto my stomach aiming for at least half an hour more of sleep. He nudged my again, poking my arm and ribs trying to tickle me before I slowly stretched out on the bed. Apparently o look like a cat according to Tom when I stretch. He chuckled and waits a few minutes for me to finished cracking my bones.

"we are gunna go get your stuff today!" he claimed and I pushed my face into the pillow.

"I know, we have to do it sometime, I guess today is fine." I mumbled through the pillow.

"come on your parents will be at work by now I wanna be up at outta here in fifteen minutes, I have lots planned for us today baby" he pulled the duvet off me and threw me my jeans and one of his tops since I have none. I climbed over the bed and grabbed them, slouching off into the bathroom grumbling to myself.

"stupid awake boyfriend, making me wake up early" I moaned and he chuckled at me.


An hour later I stood in my room starting at the blandness in distaste, Tom was lounging on the bed with the suitcase, ready to pack the things I threw at him. I grabbed all my clothes, not that there were many of them. When I told him I needed to go shopping he simply smiled knowingly, I wonder what he was up too. I pack some special items like a teddybear my nan gave me, a special necklace, all my school things. I grabbed my money which I had been saving up for as long as I could remember. I had quite a lot now. I had all my essentials. My room looked more empty than ever but I wasn't sad to be leaving it at all. I felt a silent relief filling me up.

"ready?" Tom asked as I stood there looking at my room. I nodded and grabbed all my bags while he took the suitcase, he acted all tough with it before walking like a girl with it on wheels as he dragged it down the stairs behind me I laughed at him loudly.

"going somewhere are we?" I heard the deadly voice coming from the front door filling me with such guilt and self hatred as I had always associated with his voice.

"dad." I squeaked. He lent against the doorframe.

"so this is your boyfriend, you slut" he stated simple. I flinched at the name. I felt Tom stiffen beside me. I felt him go to talk but I gave him the look telling him to stay silent.

"yes, this is Tom my boyfriend, and no I'm not a slut!" I said, barely believing the works coming out of my mouth a I had never stood up for myself.

"oh finally grown a backbone have we?! Good my weak pathetic crying daughter was worthless to beat before, at least if you fight back you have more dignity, you hear that girl, when you begged me to stop, you just looked pathetic!" his voice piercing through me but finally I didn't feel scared, I felt anger.

"no more pathetic than a man who beats his own daughter, no person could be more pathetic and weak than someone who hurts children because he was scared to fight and lose to someone his own age and size!" I spat at him and suddenly his hand was pulling back to deliver the blow that should have sent me into an unconscious darkness but toms hand darted out before me and grabbed the arm, twisting it so he could t move.

"you ever try to lay a hand on her again and I was kill you myself, she is right, you are pathetic, you should be ashamed of yourself, you don't deserve that beautiful girl as a daughter." he snarled at my father and I felt so happy that this was the first time anyone had ever stood up for me but I also was so happy that I too had stood up for myself.

"get out of my house and don't ever cone back you piece of filth" my father growled at me and I actullysmiled in the face of my devil and he'll

"gladly" and I tugged at Tom an he grabbed the case and we walked out to the waiting taxi and I fell limp against the door, my legs weak and shaking my heart racing.

"you alright babe?!" he caught me in an embrace and I nodded.

"yeah just scared and a little shocked, guess I'm not so good with the whole anger thing" I laughed weakly and he smiled gently.

"you were so amazing baby, I am so proud of you," he kissed me gently on the lips before placing the VHS in the boot and climbing in beside me, he took my hand into his and turned to me.

"wanna know what we are doing today?" he asked and I nodded vigorously.

" shopping to get your new clothes and a beautiful outfit for tomorrow night!" he exclaimed and I squealed with excitement.

"wait! Tomorrow night?? Huh?" I asked puzzled and he took my face in his hands, looking deep into my eyes and smiled.

"will you do me the great honour of going on a date with me?" he asked.

"yes, yes, yes and yes!!" I crushed my lips to his as he moved over into the middle seat and pulled me close, letting me snuggle into his calmed warm embrace. I was happier than I had been so long.


Okay, I have done this on my iPod, I hope you enjoy and I'm door for re spelling mistakes I will fix them when I get my space bar working again :p

Hope you enjoyed it, sorry its short and sorry if you don't like it

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