Chapter 2- Just a thought

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Chapter 2- Just a thought

Breathe- Lauv : Song of the chapter

Chapter 2- Just a thought

Kim Bok Joo's POV

                   "Chub- I mean Kim bok joo?" Someone with a very familiar voice called me out. I instantly opened my eyes. My heart started beating faster than it usually did. Only one person makes my heart flutter like this. I swallowed my nervousness and slownly turned around. I wasn't expecting any of this, this soon.

Five meters away from me stood a very tall man with a very alluring face. Who wouldn't be in awe upon seeing a face like that? It seems like a thousand years since I've last seen him and nothing seems to have changed with him. He still looks this same: chinky eyes and pointy chin, the face that I grew to love all over the years, but instead of looking at me with such eagerness in his eyes like before, he just looked at me emotionless. I, in return have been keeping my guards strongly, afraid that I might show a tiny weakness in front of him. Seeing him again brought a wave of memories and I don't know how long I could last standing still. I couldn't look at him any longer; I shifted my gaze and started walking. I briskly walked as if I were running away from reality. God, it hasn't been five minutes of seeing him and my mind's already tied in knots.

I tried to walk as fast as possible and without knowing, a tear fell from my eye. I quickly wiped it away and continued my escape, but his legs are too damn long that he was able to catch up on me.

             "Hey! Kim Bok Joo!" He approached me with short breaths and I figured that there's no way to be out of here besides disappearing like a bubble, but remembering what he once said, I couldn't do that. I'm too big to even disappear.

           " Aish, you always make me run after you!" He spat out.

           " What are you doing here? Since when did you come back? Have you been to your dad's? What happend to you, why are you so thin? " He and his nonstop stupid questions has always made me cringe, but that's what I loved about him. His questions were his way of showing me his deep concerns.

          "Uh-I'm-I'm going to the-the- gym right now" Bok joo, you better get yourself together. This is not the time to stutter. I couldn't look at him, thus I just looked down with an estranged expression. He can't know that he still has an effect on me.

          "I really need to go" I finished. With that, I proceeded on my escape, but this time I ran. I know it's stupid and cliche: running away from your ex just because he might find out about you. I didn't hear him running after me, and so I figured he didn't follow me. What is he doing in here anyway? Of all places that I could ran into him? Karma has a funny way of getting back at me. I stopped infront of the gym and breathed. I made my way inside and looked for professor Yoon. I knocked on his door, and when he saw me, he immediately stood up from his seat and opened the door.

       "Kim Bok Joo?!?!?! Is that really you?!?! "Prof Yoon still has the same joker aura in him, although his white hairs are sticking out in all directions, he still looks the same. I couldn't believe that he's going to be a father again.

I flashed my white teeth and nodded.

          "What are you doing here?" Everyone seemed surprise of my presence, but who wouldn't be anyway? I was missing in action throughout the years except for my career news.

         "I just got back from England today." I giggled "I hurt my back really badly a few weeks ago, so doctors advised me to take a rest for a few months. So why not go home? I've been home sick for a few years now" I brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

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