04. I'll be here for you

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Hanna P.O.V

I was walking along the hallway with my whole body being slouched forward. I didn't went for lunch break today. I'm broken enough to be broke anymore. I don't wang to see the confession that Jimin made. I'm afraid that I might lose control and break down there.

I suddenly got a text from Joanna:


Joanna Bae:
Hey, Bestie! Where are you?

Oh..I'm skipping lunch for today. Don't worry about me!

Joanna Bae:
Yea sure. But maybe you wanna go on a hunt for Jimin now?

Hunt? What do you mean by hunt? He's not a wild dog on the loose so there's not a need to 'hunt' for him. Wasn't he with you?

Joanna Bae:
Yes and no. Apparently, he left a few minutes ago.

What? Wait! Did you reject him?

Joanna Bae❤️:
So you know about his confession huh.. I've got myself a boyfriend two days ago, I have no choice but to reject him, although he's a cute little fluffy ball of sunshine mochi. You are Jimin's close friend, so please go look for him and comfort him.

You trouble maker! Now I have to go hunt for this fool!
-End if text-

I'm so worried and equally scared. Where is he? He better not do anything that is foolish.

I ran up the stairs that lead towards the rooftop and I was panting like hell by the time I reached there. But who cares, what matters the most, is that I find Jimin now.

I opened the door and see the boy sitting on the floor staring up the sky. Tears flows down his flawless skin and I can hear my heart aching at the sight of this.

I walked towards him and said,
"Hey Bud, you need some company?"

He looked up and frowned,
"What the F.UCK Hanna? You didn't tell me that Joanna has a boyfriend and you gave me stupid HIGH HOPES! FOR HEAVEN SAKE! ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS SIGHT?"

My eyes widened in shocked by his harsh words. Never had he yelled at me before.

"Look, I'm sorry.. I didn't know that she got herself a boyfriend. She got her boyfriend 2 days ago which fall on weekend how do you expect me to know? I'm sorry if you think I'm enjoying this sight but I am not enjoying this a single bit!" I half-yelled at him.

He looked down as tears trickled down his face and said,

"I'm sorry. I just needed someone to blame for my foolishness. I just needed someone to be the punching bag for a while...I-I'm Just So Broke..."

My tears has finally decided to give up and flowed down profusely, I walked up to him and said,

"Jimin, don't act like that. It hurts to see you so broken like this. You don't have to worry my chim chim you've got me, I am always next to you by your side when you need me. Always."

"Thanks Hanna," Jimin sniffed.

I hugged him tightly and said,
"I'll be here for you, Jimin"

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