05. Broke

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Hanna P.O.V

-Few weeks later-

"Yahh! Jiminie pabo, where are you? We're suppose to have a study date at the Macdonalds today!" I shouted into my phone.

"Sorry sorry~ I will teleport there right now, bye!!" Jimin quickly hang up.

"Tchhh..." I chuckled at his childishness😂

-After 15 minutes-


"Yahhh! You scared me you Pabo!" I yelled at Jimin.

He keeps on laughing till he noticed that I have been sending him death glares.

"Alright, I'm sorry~~~" he said while settling down.

-After 1 & a half hour-
"Hey, ummm actually Hanna I go first okay?"

What? I thought we were suppose to study till 9pm? I was expecting so much from this 'Study Date'

"O-oh.? Okay,bye..Take care~~"I said to him with my heart breaking.

He came late and yet he's the one to leave early. He left me hanging there waiting for him and I am ended up being alone. I'm crashed. I am heart broken... This simply means one thing, I'm merely just a friend to him.

How can he? Can't he see me?

That I'm Heart Broken?


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