The fight

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"Where are your parents?" I ask weakly without looking up. "I moved out with big bro, didn't I tell you?" Wendy had a big smile. "After we got back to Korea we moved out" she grabbed me and brought me to her room, she say down and sighed. "Joon asked me about you" I looked up and  grinned a bit "really?" I chuckled. "You know they are going to find you" she looked serious. "What?" I questioned her. "Got7....Mark" I adjusted my eyes "let me stay until" I pleaded. She raised her eyebrow "what do you think I kissed you so much!" She embraced me and got back up. "Let's I shopping shall we?" She put her hand out. "Gladly" I took her hand and smiled.
Next day
I walked through the school halls and spotted Mark running toward over to me.  He was ignoring all the girl squeals, I immediately did like a back flip thing and started to run away. "Wait Janae!" He called my name. Tears stated flooding my eyes. "Go away" I mumbled. He grabbed my arm and started to breath heavily. "I can explain" "what is there need to explain?" I shook off his hand and ran away, I could hear his voice call out to me. "Janae!!" I couldn't take it anymore, I don't want to love...I've been to hurt.
Time pass
I walked through the halls after school with Wendy and Joon by my side, they helped me hide from him....but not from the hurtful words, the scandal...the affair...they were hurtful. "How can you hug him!!!????" I girl screamed as I passed by. She threw a rock at me and I almost fell. I got back my balance,  and walked in a faster pace. I stopped in front of my locker, I jut stared at it. It ha hurtful words all over it, "go die" I whispered as I read the word. 'Go die' 'hang yourself' 'I hope you die' 'nobody likes you' was written all of it. I started tear up kept it in. I felt Wendy rub my back. I just smiled at her and opened my locker, water pored over me again. This time Wendy and Joon were pulled away from my side and people splashed water onto me. They just laughed and pointed at me like I was just a piece of trash. This time my tears broke through "aww she is crying" a girl snickered. "This is what happens when you mess with my oppa" a girl taunted me. I wanted to fight back, but I couldn't move. "Janae?" I hear a voice and I looked up, Mark was pushing through the crowd but got pushed back by the girls trying to hug him. I walked over to the nurse office to get dry and a new set of clothing. I walked out and looked a poster that was threw to me "back alley bear the school, fight. Janae vs Lucy" it said. Lucy was a black belt of the martial arts club, my worst enemy and a huge fan of Mark. "She is going to get herself hurt" Wendy appeared "she doesn't know that you can fight 30 guys same level as her and still beat them" she cupped my hands. "You were on the alpha team, strongest people in he world" she smiled. "Well now you are just exaggerating" I chuckled. "We don't want to be late" she smiled and pulled me toward the alley. All of the students were there, even got7. They looked very worried, I glanced at them and made small smile. Wendy joined Joon and I was in the middle with Lucy. She charged me "bad idea" I smirked. I roped took of my jacket and dodged her easily. "You b*itch!" She turned around put me into a head lock. I flipped her and put my knee on her so he wouldn't escape. I made a lotion that I would punch her but I stopped. "I'm not like you" I stood up and walked away "Janae look out!!" Wendy screamed. I turned around swiftly, a bullet was shot. I dodged it easily and charged at her and grabbed her hand with the gun, she dropped the gun and I caught it. I took it apart and dropped it. This time the delinquents of  school charged at me with knives. I took out my wallet and smacked them with. I looked around, the other students were speechless. Wendy and Joon grabbed my arm and took me out of the alley before it got too dangerous. "Janae wait!" I looked back and see Mark running after me. I frowned stopped. Joon and Wendy looked at me strangely and left me alone with Mark. "Please talk to me" I heard him sigh he back hugged me " is going to be another scandal" I tried to get his arms off. For some reason I could never beat him even though I'm stronger, he makes me weak. "I don't care, let it be, let it be true that in dating someone....I love you" he turned me around and kissed me. I could feel his hands going through my hair. I tear slid down my cheek "don't cry" he wiped it and herby back to hugging me. He took my hand and led me back to the group o students looking at us.
He stopped in front of them and holder my hand more tightly "she is my girlfriend I won't any of you bully her, I you hurt her I will insure you that you will regret it" he gave a cold glare towards the boys then the girls. He walked me back to Wendy's house "she is moving back with me" he said holding up my hand. Wendy chuckled at his silliness and gave my luggage to him.
He faced me and smiled then caressed my cheek. He pecked me softly "I will never let you go" he whispered into my ear.
--------------------author note----------
Hey guys so I was listening to a sad song wen I was writing that she was getting bullied. Then stay by got7 when they were making up. Lol
By the way I got the idea of special forces alpha team from decedents of the sun. Descendants of the Sun is an Awesome Korean drama. You Guys should watch it.

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