Scary Thingy

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"Why do you do this to me?!" I walk lazily into the dorm. "What happend?" Younjae asks in engrish. "Mark made a second bruise and teacher so the bruises so she said cover it up. Bit Mark pulled off my bandage so I had nothing, so she said go home" I said in one breath, I made a death glare towards JB who was laughing his ass off. I sat beside Jinyoung and sighed, a idea popped in my head "you still need to give me popcorn!" I pointed at Mark. He chuckled and nodded, he got a bole for me. I grabbed it and grabbed his arm, I pulled him. I bit his neck then grabbed a hand full of popcorn to stuff it in his mouth. He chewed the gulped "payback" I smirked while grabbing popcorn and plopping it in my mouth. Mark blushed and squeezed beside me on the couch. He didn't talk for a while, so I took a tiny peek. He wasn't talking to me, he didn't even look. Great he is angry at me. "Let's watch a bunch of horror movies" BamBam suggested getting more popcorn. I hate horror movies but I accepted because Mark did. Jinyoung stared at me and mouthed 'are you going to be okay?' I nod and gave him a weak smile. I grabbed some more popcorn, a drink and a pillow. I squeezed the pillow like it was immortal Mark and he couldn' die from my squeezes. The movie started arm I tried to make it look I was watching. I hipped down whole bunch of sprite and popcorn. I secretly got on my phone listening to music. Yugyeom almost caught me so I turned it off. I didn't stare at the tv and just stared at the pillow. There were shrieks of horror coming form the speaker and loud scary laughs. By now I was trembling, I glanced at Mark. He was too involved with the movie he didn't even notice me whimpering. I slowly looked up because of the sounds were gone, just then a scary thingy monster thing popped out if no where. I screamed and almost fell off the couch. Everyone was laughing at me, they didn't know how sacred I was. I wiped away my tears and cuddle with the pillow. I felt something slowly creep up my back, it touched my shoulder, maybe Mark is finally comforting me now. I looked at Mark, hid hands still at his sides. I widened my eyes and sleigh turned my hand to see a skeleton hand. I screamed again and flipped off the couch and running up the stairs and shutting myself in the closet in the closest room I could find. I looked in my hands "shit I forgot my phone" I cursed my self. I could still hear the guys laughing. Mark'd was the loudest. I pouted and started to tear up. I quickly wiped my tears "I'm not going to cry, I'm going to get payback" I said in determination. Is heard footsteps up the stairs. They came in the room that I was in and sat on the bed "she is probably in Mark's room...let's go scare her" I was very surprised that Jinyoung didn't refuse. I made sure they were gone and let go a breath. "WHERE ARE YOU JANAE?!" I heard them yell. They went into the room again "maybe she is hiding here?" Crap....I tried not make a sound and piled up a bunch of clothing around me and on me at the back of the closet. I smelled the cologne from the clothing. It's Jinyoung's. The closet door was slowly opened. I guessed they tried to scare me with a mask. They thought wasn't there, I grinned and found 2 nerf guns in his closet. One was a sniper and the other was a hand gun. I sneaked on the groin and aimed for BAmBam first. I shot and he screamed and hugged JB. I giggled. I kept sniping or shooting them and they kept screaming. I decided to make a costume while they were looking for me down stairs. "It does't look scary, it looks cute" I sighed. It was a like a red short dress with a red cape with a scythe. The mask ha a half face showing and the other one covered. I had to say it looked kind of cool.

(Basically this but red)I appeared out of the shadows stopping them in their tracks "get away" I said in robotic tone voice

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(Basically this but red)
I appeared out of the shadows stopping them in their tracks "get away" I said in robotic tone voice. I heard one of the gulp.. I jumped out at Mark and hugged him "you guys are meanies!!!" I cried. He rubs my back. "You look so cute, did you make it yourself?" He says trying to calm me down. I nod, "still mad!" I hit his chest playfully. He laughed, "sorry sorry...let's go to sleep, you been playing this game for 6 hours" he patted my head.
I lied my head down on his chest, he hugged me tightly "I'll keep that monster away from you" he said with a soft voice. He kissed my head and kissed me gently on the lips.

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