just like dé jà vu

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"Phil, you have got to flip it twice again," Dan laughed as Phil was cooking pancakes. "Or maybe thrice!"
Phil laughed too, shaking his head. "How about you do it this time? At least I get to see it," He said. Dan stood up gingerly, as Phil was grabbing his arms. Dan said, "You're better at this, you know." Phil rolled his eyes and continued to lend Dan the pan. He took his phone from the table, and said, "Okay, it's been a few years. Now it's Dan's turn to flip!"
Dan readies himself, positioning for a double-flip.
"Ready? Go!" Phil said and Dan flipped it up. Twice! They both cheered happily for Dan's success.

Then they got ready to go to the radio show on BBC.
Phil took the keys for his car; his turn to drive. He wasn't a very good driver, but oh well, he can drive. So can Dan. They both had their own cars but they prefer calling them theirs.
They played their songs on the car radio on the way: Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, you name it.

They arrived safely and started on doing the show. They had fun with all the funny things they'd talked about and the Internet News.  They stayed in the building for an hour more before heading back home.
There, they played a few video games, filmed their YouTube videos and all.
Dan and Phil had even more priorities. But tonight, they wanted some cute private "best friend" time, or so as Dan thought.

Phil took them both to a fancy restaurant.

It was a long drive from their apartment. Dan was confused, although fine with it; who wouldn't like a platonic best friend dinner?

They sat at a candlelit table for two, both wearing their best clothes. Phil was nervous for a reason and Dan was happy. Maybe he wanted to celebrate how far they've come with their friendship.
All was pleasant; dinner, wine, all a bit fancy. They both bantered and enjoyed it.

Now it was time for Phil to do it.

When they had a moment of silence, Phil gathered up all his courage to tell his best friend all his thoughts and feelings, so he took him to the veranda, overlooking the busy streets of London.
"Dan?" He says. Dan shifts his head to Phil, "Mm?"
"I want to tell you something."
"Tell me what?"
Phil laughed, "I'm thankful for you, and for the eight years you've spent with me. It seems longer than that, even."
"Yeah. Me too. I won't even know where I'd be without you," Dan replied, looking down, smiling.
Phil shakily chuckled. "Dan, I...Yeah I don't know how to say this but,"
Dan smiled. It seemed like he knew what was coming.

"I love you, Dan. From then and now. And I know you're the only one who makes me want to live forever," Phil said, looking deeply into Dan's brown eyes.
Dan was in the brink of tears as he said, "You would never know this but, I love you too. To the moon and back."

They smiled at each other. They both loved the moment.
Phil grinned, "Dan Howell, will you be mine?"

Dan's heart raced and he was about to cry. He joyfully sobs into his hands, "Yes!"

Phil was also crying tears of joy. As they took in the moment, Phil leaned in, softly placing his lips on Dan's. The kiss was sweet, wasn't a rush, and it was the best.
The moon was full, the stars were out, the breeze was cool and Phil had Dan.

As they pulled away, they both started to smile. Dan chuckled. He never expected this to come. They hugged each other tightly and Dan said, "Thanks for everything, Phil."

They went out the restaurant hand in hand. Dan planted kisses on Phil's cheek whenever he got the opportunity to – which was every ten seconds.
Even the car ride was sweet. They both held hands with big smiles on their faces, and tickled each other when the light was red.

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