I Promise

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It was the last period of the school day, and it was Friday, the day before spring break. Ally and Crystal sat together, listening to the monotonous science teacher, go on and on about this boring chemistry stuff. Crystal tuned into the lesson when she heard words like "explosion" "blood" or "death" and since she didn't hear any if those words, she only listened for one: homework. Ally just kept staring at the science teacher's man bun, and how it bounced as he walked around the classroom.

"Time for an experiment!" He announced. "I need a volunteer!"

Ally raised excitedly her hand.

"Ok Ally, we are going to show what happens if the chemicals in hair spray mix with fire, and your homework is to make a presentation explaining how this happens. You may pick one other person to work with, or choose to work independently. Ally, come up here."

Ally got out of her seat and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Ok, Ally. I'm going to hold the match, while you spray hairspray onto the match's flames." He explained.

Crystal raised her hand.

"Yes Crystal?"

"Um, Mr. Hunter, maybe you ought to wear gloves and get your hair out of your face? You wouldn't want to burn yourself."

"Well, I'm giving Ally the gloves because I only have one pair. And if I get burned, well... Let's just hope that doesn't happen!" He replied. "Ok Ally, now spray the flame on the match."

Ally started to spray the match, and the flame immediately grew in size. The class stared as the flame got bigger and bigger. Ally suddenly sneezed, causing a lot of hairspray to erupt from the can. The match went up in flames, and so did Mr. Hunter's man bun.

"HOLY MERCIFUL CRAP, I'M ON FIRE!! MY BEAUTIFUL MAN BUN IS ON FIRE!!" He screamed and started running around the classroom.

Crystal got up, grabbed a bucket, dashed to she sink, filled it with water and doused Mr. Hunter in the water, leaving his man bun singed and mangled. The class hysterically laughed as Mr. Hunter stroked the remains of his man bun with a depressed look on his face. Then the bell rang.

"Hehe....sorry...?" Crystal said.

"Class dismissed." He wept.

Ally and Crystal left the classroom laughing their butts off.

"Ally you didn't have to murder his man bun!" Crystal teased.

"Well, he shouldn't have had it in his face!" Ally said back.

"Anyways, want to work on the project together? You can come over to my house if you want."

"Sure, but I have my last day of detention, remember? Can you pick me up at five?"

"Sure. See ya later!"

"Bye Crystal!"


After both girls got to Crystal's house, they changed out of their school uniforms. Crystal threw on a green and white plaid shirt, and took her long blond hair out of her pony tail. while Ally threw on a purple blouse, and could care less what her hair looked like, so she threw a hat on over it.

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